The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part One 20031028 Chris Sanders, “Where Is the Collateral?” Sanders Research Associates, republished from Scoop Media. Media 20040324 The Court of Federal Claims enters a memorandum opinion denying Hamilton's motion for summary judgment and denying the government's motion for summary judgment because the Court determines that Hamilton did not breach its contracts. The Court invites the government to amend is counterclaim. Hamilton 20040330 The government declines to amend its counterclaim in the Court of Federal Claims case. Hamilton 20040409 Catherine Austin Fitts sends a letter to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice (cc to Bush and Cheney) regarding comments on Rice's testimony under oath before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States. After the letter goes viral, Halliburton is the largest user on the Solari website for several days, and then Catherine is seriously poisoned, taking years to recover. Media, Hamilton 20040419 Final judgment entered in favor of Hamilton Securities (subsequently merged into Solari, Inc.) in the amount of $1.505MM plus interest in the Court of Federal Claims case and, thus, there is no need for trial previously scheduled for April 22, 2004. Hamilton 20040604 Request to John Hawke, Comptroller of the Currency, to help get Hamilton paid Court of Federal Claims case, with copies to Congress. No replies. Hamilton 20040705 Chris Sanders, “So Where Is the Collateral?” Sanders Research Associates on the extent of the corruption at HUD and the mortgage markets. Media 20040816 Partial judgment against Hamilton Securities on Count IX (North and Central sale) in the amount of $1.5MM and in favor of Hamilton on Counts II (single-family offering), XIII and XIV (re: Williams Adley contract), XV and XVI (re: cross-cutting contract) entered in qui tam case. Hamilton 20040819 2004 FY end. $258.1B in undocumentable adjustments against Treasury at the Department of the Army. DoD Treasury 20041016 MSNBC: “US Probes $100 Million Missing in Iraq.” Media, DoD 20041102 George W. Bush is re-elected President of the United States, defeating John Kerry. Event 20050301 Hamilton files an appeal of the qui tam case order. Hamilton 20050310 Before House of Representative hearings on the FY 2006 defense budget, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney questions Donald Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers on DynCorp and 9/11 War Games, revealing answers about lack of oversight over DynCorp's practice of sex slave trafficking and lack of accuracy and missing money regarding DOD finances. McKinney demands a list of contractors and payments related to DOD transaction, payment, and accounting systems. DoD 20050500 Ed Harriman writes in “So, Mr. Bremer, Where Did All the Money Go?” (The Guardian): ‘’At the end of the Iraq war, vast sums of money were made available to the US-led provisional authorities, headed by Paul Bremer, to spend on rebuilding the country. By the time Bremer left the post eight months later, $8.8bn of that money had disappeared.” Media, DoD 20060100 Hamilton Securities Group enters into a global settlement with DOJ (on behalf of HUD in the Court of Claims) and Ervin (with respect to civil pursuit of qui tam case after DOJ declined to Adopt), resolving the qui tam case (in which, after 10 years, there was no finding of wrongdoing by anyone other than the mistake by Hamilton’s sub-contractor, AT&T/Bell Labs) and Hamilton’s lawsuit against HUD for payment of contracting fees owed by HUD to Hamilton for work completed in 1996 (in which the judge found in favor of Hamilton) and Hamilton’s lawsuit against Ervin for tortious interference of contract (Ervin’s insurance firm has to pay). Department of Justice insists that settlement does not waive the rights to pursue Hamilton regarding taxes. Tax filings require 4 years and $150,000 of accounting and attorneys fees to file after Hamilton’s accountant reports that Hamilton’s files have disappeared. Hamilton owes $0 in taxes. Hamilton 1 8 4