8 II. Introduction: The Clash of Civilizations any of the assets that had been acquired with that debt. • Reconciling the federal accounts is likely to increase awareness of where trillions have disappeared and the motivation behind nu- merous inhuman policies conducted by the US government including global spraying, heavy schedules of vaccines, and suppres- sion of cures for cancer and other terminal diseases. The list is nearly endless. No doubt, you are beginning to understand why I refer to these developments as part of a financial coup E’état. Grappling with these imbalances ultimately rais- es the question of who is really governing this system. This answer remains a mystery even to those who have been following these events for many years. One thing is clear: we are financing one or more “breakaway civilizations” from the tax revenues and balance sheet of another civilization. This means that we are financing people and operations whose actions are outside the law and whose intentions towards us are inhuman. In both financial and political terms, we have a parasite. And the parasite’s intent is to kill the host. If you look at the actual relationship between taxpayers and the black budget on one hand, and private investors and breakaway civilizations on the other hand, it will become apparent why powerful, private interests want to rewrite the US Constitution before it can be enforced. It should also be apparent why we must rethink whether it is wise to continue to finance the people who are implementing an inhuman civilization. Who is your banker? If you are banking with the NY Fed member banks that have transacted trillions in illegal, unconstitutional transactions with your tax dollars, then you need to take a serious look in the mirror. The US Presidential Hot Seat There is only one thing more challenging than the transformation we now face: our state of denial regarding where we are and how we got here. Emerging from this state of denial will be no small feat, let alone successfully navigating the changes currently underway. In one sense, it is not surprising that we find ourselves with a President lacking government experience and whose mother was Scottish – the Scots being known for their fearlessness. Helping us out of denial and building a path- way towards a civilization that is human, prosperous, and lawful would appear to be a seemingly impossible task. Regardless of wheth- er a new administration fails or succeeds, this is a very real possibility if every one of us will do our best to simply head in that direction. This is why, whenever I hear another blood-curdling scream from the Washington establishment as it turns up its shriek-o-meter, I think, “Ah…the sound of hope.” It is the sound of cash flows receding from the bank accounts of the unproductive. – Catherine Austin Fitts Thank you for being a Solari Report subscriber. Solari_Note_Card_final2_Layout 1 5/14/15 9:47 AM Page 1