23 the trap of promoting actions that corporate interests will help him push through. If this happens, he will not make America great again. Rather, he will find himself serving up tax reform, regulatory relief, and infrastructure privatization in a manner that serves corpora- tions rather than smaller enterprises. In this scenario, what remains of America could disap- pear in a corporate liquidation sale. The stress involved in keeping things moving in a positive direction and enduring the pres- sures of the “swamp” is tremendous. It means that he must find a way to pay attention to the details. For example, the immigration order in the first month had a chance to succeed if he had given General Kelly and an experienced Homeland Security legal and operations team a chance to make sure that it was properly pre-engineered. In this regard, consider the following: • Create “war team” capacity. Established Washington interests intend to make life difficult. The President needs a team that is dedicated to dealing with witch hunts and fake news so that his core team and Cabinet can remain focused on MAGA and the business of governing. He also needs the capacity to take care of the “Scorpions” and to do so quietly. • The President needs to shelve his inner petty streak. He is the President now. Griping about unfairness, the dou- ble-binds and swamp critters often wastes precious political capital. It’s fine to attack or criticize if it gets something done, but venting to feel good usually squanders valuable airtime. One of the critical risks is that without a wider consensus, the only thing that can get approved in the Washington sausage factory of democracy are changes that benefit large corporations and the wealthy, as they have the clout to move legislation through Con- gress. The result: if it is good for billionairies, it moves through Congress like a hot knife through butter. Immediately following the election, I pub- lished my article, The Productivity Backlash and the conclusion stands today: “So what happens now? Will President-elect Trump be able to lead the United States towards lasting change? Rejecting the Clintons and the Neocons is the first step. Once inaugurated, however, President Trump and Vice President Pence will assume leadership of a complex machinery that is deeply dependent on harvesting global and domestic subsidies. Turning that machine around is easier said than done. Yes, the productive people want change. However, that change will require a broad-based commitment to shift the funda- mental dependency of the US establishment and general population away from the “central bank- ing-warfare model.” The richly subsidized, in particular, are in no hurry to convert to becom- ing fundamentally productive. Do we see Hillary Clinton embracing the opportunity to learn how to drive her own car or to clean her multiple homes? In my experience, there is no one meaner than the richly privileged when they are suddenly required to earn their keep. This is what Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson said regarding the challenge that lies before all of us: “The two candidates that we have just had offered to us in this election, both of them made comments and one of them had a profession that dictated this…that they were going to continue to play by that playbook. Now one wonders what one of them is going to do because he [Trump] is bouncing all over the place. Is he going to rewrite the playbook? Is he going to play by the playbook? Is he going to throw it out the door? What’s going to happen?” “That uncertainty certainly unnerved the markets initially, they recovered today. And they will continue to recover as long as he remains some- what conciliatory and doesn’t look like he is going to throw the playbook out. Just imagine if he suddenly decided that he would and it might be beneficial to the country that he did.” “Then you see what I am talking about now Building Trust Between People, Places & Money Solari Report the BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2ND QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER THREE PRODUCTIVITY, PROSPERITY & THE P PSICLE INDEX © COPYRIGHT 2016. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SOLARI, INC., P. O. BOX 157, HICKORY VALLEY, TN 38042 cover.indd 2-3 9/13/16 1:17 PM “He also needs to have the capacity to take care of the “Scorpions” and to do so quietly. ” For a definition of “Scorpi- ons,” please refer to page 71.