26 to Congressional oversight. They must be able to operate with privacy and with information which has not been compromised by private telecommunications, security, or banking firms. 4. Ensure Privacy Americans require privacy in order to build financial equity. Currently, compromised digital systems – both telecommunications and energy systems – are being used to harvest the personal and financial data of US citizens. The federal government needs to regulate telecommuni- cations and energy systems to ensure that its citizens’ privacy is not compromised by “surveil- lance capitalists.” It must ensure that all media is free of mind control, entrainment, and sublim- inal programming. The creation of addictions (including imprudent spending) via technologi- cal means must be disclosed and outlawed. 5. Stop Government-Sponsored Organized Crime Halt organized crime activities by the US gov- ernment, intelligence agencies, military and re- lated contractors, including narcotics trafficking, human and child trafficking, sex slave opera- tions, entrapment, and mind-control operations designed to create and maintain control file systems, as well as electronic torture and harass- ment and human torture and experimentation. 6. Encourage Local Regulatory and Contract Relief Encourage counties and local municipalities to apply for place-based waivers. This will permit local agencies to re-engineer and optimize fed- eral monies within a place and to opt out of un- necessary regulations and administrative require- ments subject to stated performance criteria. Provide sufficient transparency on contract bud- gets and opportunities so that consortiums of local businesses can successfully “de-centralize” government functions. This will improve returns on taxpayer dollars by lowering costs or by low- ering the cost of subsidizing the unemployed. Allow counties to opt out of federal securities laws and regulations limiting crowdfunding or early venture capital for non-accredited inves- tors that limit the creation of liquid local equity markets and exchanges. 7. Reduce Federal Reserve & GSE Power Solari Report subscribers are well versed in the harm caused by central control and debasement of our currency. Here is where we need to start: • Require federal audits of the Federal Re- serve System and banks; • Require the Fed to provide detailed public transparency requiring its debt issuance and purchases as well as contractors and information sharing with members and contractors; • Return currency issuance to the US Trea- sury and permit local communities to use local currencies and gold and silver for local transactions of goods and services; • Remove tax restrictions that limit the use of gold and silver as currency; • Encourage states to create gold and silver depositories and remove tax restrictions on the use of gold and silver as a currency; • Require detailed disclosure by Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and other government corporations and guaranty funds of their financial assets, liabilities, and financial statements. With an 80% or better consensus and approval rating in the polls, the President of the United States can implement significant change. With a 40% rating, he can do very little. The question for all of us is “How can we create an 80% consensus?” We must, because that’s how we can get things done. Otherwise, our inability to create a powerful consensus for change will allow the rich and powerful to get things done their way. As a result, we will pay the taxes, assume the responsibility for the debt and liabilities, and they will get the assets. Indeed, that’s how we got into this mess in the first place. III. Administration Report Card for The First 70 Days