47 lence of Contaminants B. EMF Radiation • WiFi – “Irreversible Sterility Within Five Generations” III. Making Robots Human; Making Humans Robotic • Body Hacking Con 2017 • Robot Kill Switches & Legal Status: MEPs Endorse AI Proposal IV. Environmental Stress • Important Facts About Genetically Engi- neered Foods You’ll Never Hear From Main- stream Media • Escaped GMO Grass Threatens Oregon • Helen Caldicott: The Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Continues Unabated • Your Respiratory System and Geoengineering • Shasta County (California) Supervisors Take Shasta County (California) Supervisors Take Evidence on Enviromental Contamination from Climate Engineering Programs 2014 • This Is Not Good: Sea Ice At Both Poles At Record Lows • Fukushima: Beyond Urgent • Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima is “Worst Industrial Cataclysm in History of World • We Can’t See Inside Fukushima Daiichi Because All Our Robots Keep Dying • Secretary Pritzker Declares Fisheries Disasters for Nine West Coast Species V. CERN & Particle Accelerators • New Zealand Quakes Blamed on CERN and Seismic Blast Ship VI. Space: Here We Go! • UAE to Build First City on Mars by 2117 • China’s Ambitious Space Program • China’s Space Activities in 2016 • Space Arms Race as Russia, China Emerge as ‘Rapidly Growing Threats’ to US • The Moral Imperative of Space Exploration • The Second Moon Race VIII The Future of Energy • Denver Smart City Peña Station Next a Technological Testing Ground for Panasonic • This Map Shows How Much it Costs to Transport Oil Across the US 1/8 • Trump Sweeps Away Climate Rules Vowing `New Energy Revolution’ • Local: America’s Major Market Power Problem – Episode 13 of the Building Local Power Podcast A. Nuclear Fusion & Breakthrough Energy • Brilliant Light Power’s SunCell Announced • Free Energy Source Confirmed B. Renewables Growth C. Coal – What’s Next in US, India and China? THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS • Another Near Miss: Is Earth Ready for an Incoming Space Rock? • $10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is • Antarctica: NASA Images Reveal Traces Of Ancient Human Settlement Underneath 2.3K Of Ice • Antarctica Hits Balmy 63.5F INSPIRATION • Bringing a Community Back: Thrive Moves to Renovate Kress 5-10-25 Cent Store • One Man has Spent Years Befriending KKK Members and Persuaded 200 of Them to Leave the Hate Group • Parent of Autistic Teen Sues CDC to Allow Vaccine Whistleblower Testimony • Utopian Off-grid Regen Village Produces all of its Own Food and Energy • Fellow Texans Come to the Rescue after Fire Devastates Panhandle • Rancher Raises Thousands for Peers in Pan- handle Fires “$10 Trillion Miss- ing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is. ”