20 Top 3 Material Omissions & Stumbles “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion…but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.” – Samuel P. Huntington There have been several material omissions or “stumbles” in the President’s first 70 days in office. Here are the most important opportu- nities to improve performance in his first year in office. 1. The National Security State Needs Re-Imagination and Reinvention The National Security State has been growing in an out-of-control, uneconomic basis since President Eisenhower first warned us and Pres- ident Kennedy died trying to do something about it. The growth curve accelerated follow- ing the success of the Kennedy assassination and the subsequent cover-up until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Suddenly, America ex- pected a peace dividend. Instead, we got 9-11 and an open checkbook for the national security state. Using an invisi- ble, abstract enemy, a massive war was created that could extend indefinitely on a global basis with occasional justification provided by financing small terrorist groups and false flag operations. How much money has been spent? We don’t really know. First, the Department of Defense, the Con- gressional appropriations committees, and the executive branch have ignored all provisions of the Constitution and the laws related to financial management. The DOD books have not been audited for over 20 years since a legal requirement was instituted to do so in the ear- ly 1990s. DOD and DOD Inspector General reports indicate that balancing their books re- quired over $11.5 trillion in “undocumentable adjustments” including $6.5 trillion of “un- documentable adjustments” in 2015 alone. The Trump administration’s new budget blueprint recognizes our $20 trillion in debt. However, it does not recognize the assets purchased with the $11.5 trillion in “undocu- mentable adjustments,” let alone how we will as- sert jurisdiction and ownership over those assets. “Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it. ” – George Carlin