16 The President has a reputation for bullying, blunt talk, sharp dealing, and competitive be- havior that crosses an ethical line. His detrac- tors would say that this is inhuman behavior. However, if you observe his focus on ensuring that all Americans enjoy a safe environment and have the economic opportunity (including regulatory relief) necessary to contribute to a safe environment, his impulses are directly contradictory to the forces pushing for an inhuman society. I would include the President’s frustration with the lack of integrity of our communica- tions and digital systems. His anger at not be- ing able to use phones without being illegally monitored and enduring illegal leaks reflects an appreciation for the inhumanity of the out- of-control surveillance and telco systems in the United States. Due to my concerns regarding the effort to promote an inhuman society, the President’s success at using the visibility of office to pro- mote the importance of safety and conditions precedent for providing the basic necessities of life is a significant achievement. Time will tell if he is effective at integrating his concerns in this area into successfully implemented policies and actions. 2. Insisting on Reality To be a successful society, we need to face the challenges before us and work together to cre- ate and implement a common vision. Conse- quently, transparency and open discussion are of critical importance. A. Busting Fake News America’s corporate media is a global operation that man- ufactures an “official reality” designed to support corrupt leadership, a bloated national security state, and operations of US government finances outside the Constitution and laws related to financial management. Corporate me- dia operations depend on significant material omissions and lies. This deviation from reality is so great that many of the people in the cor- porate media no longer remember what reality actually is. President Trump, both in the campaign and since the election, has done a remarkable job of punching a hole in the dam of corporate media control. Excellent examples during the campaign included his comments regarding Common Core and vaccines and his sugges- tion that Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted as a criminal. This has encouraged millions of Americans to talk about real needs and issues in a manner that was not possible before the President’s arrival on the national stage. We may not agree with the President, but he has us thinking and talking. He is helping to make “reality” socially acceptable again. One of the ways in which the President has achieved this is by refusing to be “gaslighted” by fake news. For example, he has recently endured several weeks of press reports stating that he had lied about being monitored by the intelligence agencies prior to the inaugura- tion. After standing his ground in the face of a significant barrage of media coverage asserting that this was not true, hard evidence began to flow into the independent media and the House intelligence committee. The President is now being proven correct – but it took sev- eral weeks of immersive attacks and a resulting drop in his approval ratings to be proven right. Busting up fake news and illegal surveillance networks is an accomplishment that could literally save the country. It would reduce the influence of the unproductive and corrupt portions of the military-industrial complex and the special interests that feed at the Wash- ington trough without contributing to wider productivity. Since the election, the President’s team has built a communications operation that facili- tates direct communication with citizens. Ev- III. Administration Report Card for The First 70 Days “Busting up fake news and illegal surveillance net- works is an accom- plishment that could literally save the country. ”