24 because the markets will go all over the place again. Because the markets are part of this state. The markets are part of waging war. They are part of the warfare state. Our entire financial system now is geared to this warfare state. It has an umbilical cord extending from it.” “That’s how it survives. That’s how it makes a lot of its profits…directly or indirectly.” “Not for nothing was HSBC found out for laun- dering drugs. You know where a lot of those drugs were coming from?…Afghanistan. This is a vi- cious many-headed animal that we have allowed to grow up – as Eisenhower predicted – and if we are not careful it is going to eat all of our lunches before it is through with us.” The task before the new administration is much greater than most people appreciate. Since the election, millions of dollars have flowed to engi- neer protests and a vindictive corporate media are doing their best to sabotage the transition. The political establishment is trying to build political toll booths at every turn. This change will not be decided by an election. This is trench warfare, involving all of us. What can we do? Peggy Noonan addressed it in her latest column in the WSJ, “What Comes After the Uprising?” She closed with some exceptionally sound advice: “The next president needs you. This is our country. Help him.” Give thanks that Hillary Clinton is not going to be the President of the United States. As Win- ston Churchill once said, “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” We have missed a very big bullet – one that could have destroyed America. Then go to work, each in our own way. If the productive want a country where we are once again free to be productive, if we want America to be great again, it is going to take all of us pulling in that direction every day for the next four years. Additional Stumbles: • Nominating a jurist for the Supreme Court who helped the Bush administra- tion invent a spurious legal justification for torture. • Getting switch-hit by the Republican House members after Paul Ryan thought he had the votes – a lesson in the power of “Mr. Global” and his control files. • The Flynn resignation would not have occurred in a well-managed administra- tion. The President needs to have the right “lieutenants” – and he must protect them. • Trump does not have an effective “War Room” team – or does he? Is there a covert War Room team? Was David Brock’s heart attack the work of a covert team working indirectly for the President? • Oligarchy: Is the Trump team lost in a “rich” bubble? Will they keep their contracts with “the people” or self-iden- tify with the rich and the opportunity for wealth which they now control? • The danger of piratization. How will Cohn / Mnuchin and other Goldman Sachs alumni operate? • Alpha-male ego contests make Trump look un-presidential and waste political capital. PEGGY NOONAN BY GAGE SKIDMORE III. Administration Report Card for The First 70 Days