28 and denies entry to citizens of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. The other one calls for budget negotiations regarding the expansion and strengthening of the U.S. military. January 28 – • President Trump speaks with various foreign leaders, namely Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, and French President François Hollande. President Trump signs three executive orders: enacting a five-year ban on lobbying for presidential appointees after leaving the White House, a lifetime ban for officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government, and directing his generals to put together a plan within 30 days for defeating ISIS. January 29 • President Trump speaks with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and acting South Korean President Hwang Kyo-ahn. The Yakla raid, the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, leads to the death of Chief Petty Officer William Ownens, American Nawar “Nora” al-Awlaki, 14 members of the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula as reported by the United States govern- ment, and between 16–59 Yemeni or other nationality civilian casualties. January 30 – • President Trump signs an executive order that seeks to reduce the number of federal regulations by requiring agencies to cut two existing regulations for every new rule introduced. • President Trump relieves acting Attorney General Sally Yates of her duties and instates Dana Boente as acting Attorney General. President Trump replaces Daniel H. Ragsdale with Thomas D. Homan as acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). • President Trump announces he will continue to enforce a 2014 executive order signed by former President Obama that established legal protections for LGBT workers. January 31 – • President Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch as an Associate Justice of the Su- preme Court to fill the vacancy left by Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. FEBRUARY 2017 February 1 – • President Trump visits Dover Air Force Base for the arrival of the remains of U.S. Navy SEAL Chief Special Warfare Operator William “Ryan” Owens who was killed in action in Yemen, the first known combat death under the Trump administration. • The Senate confirms Rex Tillerson as the Secretary of State. • President Trump discusses refugee policy in a truncated phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. • President Trump proclaims February as National African American History Month. February 2 – • President Trump speaks at the National Prayer Breakfast and meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan. • President Trump proclaims February as American Heart Month. • President Trump warns Israel that building new settlements in the West Bank “may not be helpful” for a peace deal. February 3 – • President Trump signs two executive orders on financial regulations. The first one orders a review of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Con- sumer Protection Act, while the other one directs the Department of Labor to review a fiduciary rule signed during the Barack Obama administration before its implementation in April. • President Trump institutes economic sanctions on 13 Iranian individuals and 12 companies from the nation after “hostile and belligerent actions toward the United States and the world community.” • Senior federal judge James Robart of the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington temporarily blocks President Trump’s order to temporarily block immigration from seven middle-eastern nations. February 4 – • The United States Department of Justice appeals judge’s temporary block of Executive Order 13769. • President Trump speaks with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, con- firming his attendance to the 2017 G7 summit in Sicily, and with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko about the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. February 5 – • The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denies a request from the Trump Administration to immediately reinstate the temporari- ly-blocked travel ban. • President Trump speaks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and recently-elected Prime Minister Bill English of New Zealand. February 6 – • President Trump pays a first visit to MacDill Air Force Base and the United States Central Command, and addresses the troops. • The Justice Department asks the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to restore the temporarily-blocked immigration ban. • Vice President Pence attends Superbowl – visits with Former President Bush and sits with former White House Chief of Staff and Secretary of State and Treasury Jim Baker February 7 – • The Senate confirms Betsy DeVos as United States Secretary of Education by a vote of 51–50. Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm a Cabinet nominee, becoming the first vice president since 1945, in his role as president of the Senate, to cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm a Cabinet member. • President Trump speaks with Prime Minister Rajoy of Spain and President Erdogan of Turkey, confirming his support of NATO and discussing joint action against ISIS. February 8 – • The Senate confirms Jeff Sessions as United States Attorney General by a vote of 52–47.President Trump formally announces his full Cabinet, comprising 24 members. The position of Chairman of the Council of Eco- nomic Advisers, established in 1946, is removed; the Director of National Intelligence and Director of the CIA are elevated to cabinet-level. 28