33 People To Watch “We must remember that one deter- mined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.” – Sonia Johnson It takes courage to take on major responsibility in the current political environment. Agree with them or disagree, the new team is not afraid to take on the challenge. If the President inspires them to work as a team with confidence, they have enormous capacity. However, if “divide and con- quer” takes hold, a lot of opportunity will be lost. See definitions of profiles on page 71 of this document. CABINET MEMBERS MIKE PENCE Vice President • Governor & Congressman • Lawyer • Stepped up to lead in the campaign when most Republicans were too afraid of the media and establish- ment • Excellent job on the transition • Runs the risk of being squeezed by establishment forces; a successful team relationship with POTUS will make a significant difference. • Serious “piratization” could force a switch of profiles. • Christian REX TILLERSON Secretary of State • Business Executive • Engineer • Tillerson is one of the strongest Cabinet members, although he may be slow at first because he is new to government. It will take time to transform the State Dept. • Critical role: helping the team reinvent America’s vision and role in the world, restoring trust with global leaders; rebuilding US “soft power.” • Christian JAMES MATTIS Secretary of Defense • Military • Mattis has strong qualifications to help restore the core military and to reinvent America’s vision and role in the world. • Mattis on Torture: “I’ve never found it to be useful. Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.” STEVEN MNUCHIN Secretary of the Treasury • Investment Banker • Skull & Bones • Goldman royalty: his dad, Bob Mnuchin, was the head of Gold- man’s equity desk for many years. • Worked on the Goldman team that IMO engineered the soft dollar policy, the suppression of the gold price, the rape of Russia, the housing bubble and the financial coup d’Etat. • Will Mnuchin use his skills to help rebuild our economy or to “piratize” America? This is a critical question regarding the economic team. • Jewish JEFF SESSIONS Attorney General • Senator • Military Reserve • Lawyer • Political fights in Washington will increasingly play out through the criminalization of disagreements. Combined with the push to dismantle decades of complex rule-making and significant levels of corruption, Sessions holds one of the most powerful positions. His recusal on Russia allegations was disappointing — this is no job for scaredy cats. Essential for POTUS to ensure that Sessions emerges as a Titanic Turner. • Christian WILBUR ROSS Secretary of Commerce • Investor • Knows business and industry — he is a doer with a deep roladex who is willing to master the details. • Likely to be frustrated by what it takes to get things done in DC. TOM PRICE Secretary of Health and Human Services • Politician • Physician • It takes real courage to help Ameri- ca get from where we are today to a human health care system. BEN CARSON Secretary of Housing and Urban Development • Surgeon • Business experience • Success depends on turning the model in the inner city which will shut off the illegal cash flows to the black budget. Will the CIA, DOJ and Treasury be prepared to turn the “red button to green?” • Ben should make Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchin his new best friends — and pray that they become Titanic Turners. • Christian RYAN ZINKE Secretary of the Interior • Politician • Business experience • Military experience SONNY PERDUE Secretary of Agriculture • Business experience 33