19 Finally, if the law is to matter, the people who enforce the law must matter. The federal effort under the Obama administration to denigrate, target, and investigate local police and its poor treatment of veterans communicated both a disrespect for the law and an insidious effort to centralize control of all law enforcement. President Trump has made a major effort to speak highly of veterans and local police offi- cers. Indeed, we would not be surprised if his election owed an enormous debt of gratitude to the New York City Police Department. The first 70 days is just a beginning. The President has used his powers – speeches, in- terviews, executive orders, and administrative actions – to promote human values on critical issues such as safety. This has begun to bring transparency to the economic challenges before us and to try to reign in legal and regulatory overreach and oppression. This is a good start. The test is whether or not the President can continue these efforts and make meaningful progress through the re-en- gineering of the executive branch, the federal budget, and the implementation of legislative priorities including tax reform and a new ap- proach to health care. Additional Accomplishments: Business: • Cancelling the Trans-Pacific Partnership. • Reversing regulations to shut down the coal industry. • Renegotiating the Air Force One contract with Boeing. • Reaching out and listening to the legiti- mate concerns of business people. Privacy & The Law: • Attacking the mainstream media on “fake news” issues. • Publicizing the fact that our communica- tion and digital systems have no integrity and are operating lawlessly. Global Diplomacy: • Reinvigorating the “special relationship” with British Prime Minister Theresa May. • Holding a successful meeting with Japa- nese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Immigration & The Law: • Tightening up illegal immigration and aligning immigration policies with the law. • Empowering veterans, police, sheriffs, and law enforcement officials who now believe that they will be supported in creating safety and stopping the flow of drugs. • The President’s actions on illegal immi- gration have brought transparency to the human trafficking problem and triggered (directly or indirectly) an enormous wave of human trafficking arrests. Regulatory Relief: • Implementing an Executive Order on fi- nancial regulatory relief and working with Congress on a legislative package. • Creating a deregulation task force within every federal agency. • Cancelling the Obamacare tax “fine” that concerned so many Americans re: their April 15 tax filings. • Demonstrating that regulatory relief is now “in the wind” in Washington. As a result, businesses (particularly small busi- nesses) feel hopeful. Other Accomplishments: • Publishing a budget blueprint. • Moving the Clintons and the Bushes out of the line of power: they are now quaran- tined. • Holding listening sessions and rallies.