22 This is how the National Security State keeps draining the general economy with no ac- countability – hence this issue is intimately connected with the reinvention of the National Security State. To my knowledge, President Trump and his team have made no effort to stop this lobbying of the states or to warn the general population. If the President wants to make America great again, the destruction of the US Constitution will produce the opposite result. President Trump needs to weigh in on this issue immediately. Yes, I know that the President has been silent on other major issues such as geoengineering. Let’s hope that he is digging in to get the facts on this and many others. 3. Managing The Executive Branch, Consensus & Privatization The Presidency of the United States is a brutal job. The President is responsible for performance but lacks the authorities and powers needed to achieve performance. Most of the information necessary to build consensus is secret or ob- fuscated. He must operate in an environment where many politicians and special interests seek power by creating obstacles and various forms of political “toll booths.” This scenario is the ultimate in herding cats. The recent effort to repeal and replace Obamacare is a perfect example. The US health care system spends the most money per person in the world – over $9,000 annually. That is 50% more than Switzerland, one of richest countries in the world, which is second in money spent per person. The general population and health care indus- try are physically and financially dependent on uneconomic behavior. We have a general population that suffers from numerous health problems. Some of these are caused by: • Poor habits and food addictions; • A food system debased by GMOs and industrial agriculture; • Heavy metals and other toxic substances from geoengineering spraying; • Toxicity from vaccines and EMF radia- tion. Add to this numerous uneconomic industry conditions: • A pharmaceutical industry that is not subject to market forces; • Involvement of the private insurance industry – we need health care, not in- surance! It adds an unnecessary layer of expense; • Suppression of low cost health care cures and technologies; • Highly complex government regulation combined with decades of judicial deci- sions and enforcement incentivized with civil and criminal money penalties. Whether bad habits, uneconomic practices, or environmental pollution, we now have an en- tire ecosystem of businesses and citizens which must change. The President and the Congress do not have the power to make the US population change. For many years, they have had the power to throw money and promises at this problem. However, now that the debt growth model is over, they can no longer do this. The President arrived in Washington still naïve about the challenges of bringing about real change. That is why his efforts to burst “fake news” and to engage in real issues is po- tentially so important – he shows real potential at doing this. If we are going to face and solve the challenges before us (such as health care) we must face all the issues and sort out how to optimize our limited resources. The President is going to have to find a way to engage with the American people on the important issues. Otherwise, he will fall into III. Administration Report Card for The First 70 Days “The US health care system spends the most money per person in the world – over $9,000 annually. That is 50% more than Switzerland, one of richest countries in the world. ”