44 • Does a Rogue Deep State Have Trump’s Back? • Russia’s Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podes- ta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions V. Migration and Immigration • George Soros, Mastercard to Partner to Aid Migrants, Refugees • Texas Cuts Funding to Travis County, an Immigrant Sanctuary • San Francisco Sues Trump Over Sanctuary Cities Crackdown • Refugees Obtaining SSN and Passport Upon Arrival • EU Commissioner For Migration Wants 6 Million More Immigrants G-7 Backlash: • Mexico Cancels Sugar Export Permits to U.S. Long-Term Trends: Migration Potential From Africa and Middle East: • Poposki Says Soros Activities in Macedonia have become Unacceptable CULTURE I. Who Will Nourish – Rebuild the Field? • Politicians Are Now Making Plans in Case the Public Turns Against Them Violently • Donald Trump Rally in Melbourne, Florida II. Embracing Complexity & Uncer- tainty: • Situational Assessment 2017: Trump Edition • WikiLeaks Press Conference Thursday 9 March 2017 On CIA/Vault7/YearZero • Tillerson: “I Didn’t Want This Job” • Tillerson Doesn’t Rule Out Preemptive Strike on North Korea • Plans for Tennessee Convention of States Resolution Scrapped III. Need for Revival of the Artist & Scholar • Professor Stephen Cohen Explains in 5 Minutes Why RussiaGate is 100% Fake News (Video) • Lift the Veil • Local: Everyone Knows We Have a Traffic Problem IV. Are We Sovereign? • British Companies Are Using a Tracking Device That Monitors Their Workers’ Voices, Steps and Stress Levels • A Heroic AI Will Let You Spy on Your Law- makers’ Every Word • Why the White Middle Class is Dying Faster, Explained in 6 Charts • House GOP Pushes Bill Letting Companies Force Workers to Undergo Genetic Testing • Genetic Manipulation of Humans: Jeff Rense and Jon Rappoport • The DEA Has Stolen $3.2 Billion from Americans Without Charges Since 2007 • The 265 members of Congress Who Sold You Out to ISPs, and How Much it Cost to Buy Them • Local: How a Telecom Bill is About to Strip Local Authority A. Mind Control: • Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked • The Matrix of Technocracy: The Roots of the Conspiracy • How to Create a Social State • Tens of Thousands of Radicals at Alinsky Camps to Sabotage Trump • Surge in Children Being Admitted to Hos- pital for Sleeping Disorders with many Kept Awake by Technology • Elon Musk Isn’t the Only One Trying to Computerize Your Brain • Dr. Nick Begich Reveals CIA Mind Control On Americans • Dr. Nick Begich About What We Can Expect From The Globalists In Future • Insider Reveals How DARPA Will Control Our Minds B. Transhumanism: • Elon Musk: If Humans Are to Survive, We Must Merge With Machines IV. News Trends & Stories “Irresistible: The Rise of Addic- tive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked ”