34 ALEX ACOSTA Secretary of Labor • Business experience • Lawyer • Prosecuted Jeffrey Epstein ELAINE CHAO Secretary of Transportation • Business experience • Married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell RICK PERRY Secretary of Energy • Politician • Business experience • Military experience • Piratization could throw Perry into Piggie mode BETSY DEVOS Secretary of Education • Philanthropist • Business experience • Beat up at her confirmation hearings, she tried to slow Sessions down on the Transgender bathroom reversal — not a good sign. DAVID SHULKIN Secretary of Veterans Affairs • Business experience • Physician JOHN F. KELLY Secretary of Homeland Security • Military experience Cabinet-Level Officials REINCE PRIEBUS White House Chief of Staff • Business experience • Lawyer DAN COATS Director of National Intelligence • Politician • Business experience • Lawyer NIKKI HALEY Ambassador to the United Nations • Business experience • Governor MIKE POMPEO Director of the Central Intelli- gence Agency • Poltician • Business experience • Military experience • Lawyer MICK MULVANEY Director, Office of Management and Budget • Business experience • Lawyer • Congressman ROBERT LIGHTHIZER United States Trade Represen- tative • Business experience • Lawyer SCOTT PRUITT Administrator of the Environmen- tal Protection Agency • Politician • Business experience • Military experience • Lawyer LINDA MCMAHON Administrator of the Small Business Administration • Politician • Business experience H. R. MCMASTER National Security Advisor • Military experience JAY CLAYTON SEC Chairman • Business experience • Lawyer • Partner at Sullivan & Cromwell — Goldman’s Counsel 34