25 Recommendations for the Trump Administration “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.” – Small Plaque on President Reagan’s Oval Office desk Immediate Actions: As described in our Introduction and Report Card: • Build “war team” capacity; • Build bridges with more detailed poli- cy-level communication domestically and internationally; • Publish a budget in May that reflects a coherent vision of the US role in the world and a reinvented national security infra- structure that can perform globally on an economic and productive basis; • Include in the budget a plan for iden- tifying and returning the $11.5 trillion missing money and moving the federal credit and accounts into compliance with the law; • Invest the time to convert the Cabinet into a real team that can work with confi- dence – keep out the “divide and conquer” of Washington! • Make sure that your immediate team has the capacity to protect you from going the “piratization” route – keep Steve Bannon close. Sugar Packet Goals: When I worked in the federal government, I had a list of goals I referred to as my “sugar packet goals.” I could write a summary of them on a sugar packet with tiny print and keep them secret – no one ever knew them. If I were in President Trump’s shoes, the following seven items would be my sugar packet goals. I would be looking for continu- ous opportunities over a 4-to-8-year period to integrate them into the daily flow of speeches and communications, legis- lation, regulation, and budgets. 1. Enforce the Constitution The law requires that monies cannot be spent unless appropriated by the Congress and reported. The US gov- ernment needs to comply with these provisions, including publishing au- dited financial statements, and highly graphical and accessible budgets, financial statements and program information by county – place-based financial statements. This requirement would include detailed GIS disclosure of all federal financial assets and liabilities such as mortgage insurance policies and foreclosed properties. Enforcing the Constitution means not allow- ing it to be torn up. The President needs to educate the country about the importance of enforcing the Constitution as opposed to changing it. He needs to ensure that a Consti- tutional Convention is not convened. 2. Integrate the Budget If we are going to recognize the $20 trillion in debt on the federal balance sheet, then we need to recognize the assets. How much money went missing through $11.5 trillion in undoc- umentable adjustments and where did it go? An ownership interest needs to be successfully asserted over those assets and the resulting incomes. The contractors and banks that pro- cessed unconstitutional and illegal transactions need to be held financially liable and those funds and equity interests must be returned to the US Treasury. 3. Return Sovereignty to Core Finan- cial Operations All critical financial management, information, and payment functions in the federal gov- ernment must be returned to the operational control of government employees who are part of the civil service. These people work in gov- ernment agencies that are subject to audit and