14 different process from managing 1.8 million civil servants and millions more as private contrac- tors. Trump has a lot to learn about managing a complex bureaucracy no matter how fast he cuts its size. Given his learning metabolism, this will be an area where his coming up to speed will make a difference. Grand Strategy for America and Our Role In the World: Too Early To Grade MAGA is closer to a grand strategy then we have had since the Kennedy presidency. How- ever, there is much more to do: determining how we will adapt to a multi-polar world and managing opportunities for investment in an “outside-in” capacity. Managing the Federal Budget and Contracting Budget: D+ The budget and contracting budget are where it all comes together. The President published a budget blueprint as soon as OMB Director Mulvaney was onboard. The blueprint does not address the facts that– • Over $11 trillion is missing from the federal government (including $6.5 trillion in 2015); • The government is significantly out of compliance with the US Constitution and financial management laws. DOD has not produced financial audit state- ments since the law requiring them went into effect in the 1990’s. In addition, it does not address the re-imagining/reinvention of the military and intelligence organizations and how we are going to change our military role and deployments around the world. Note the President’s switch-hit on NATO – a major global budget issue for the United States and Europe alike. Are we going to sacrifice the empire to rebuild America or are we going to sacrifice America to maintain a global empire? Now that the debt- growth model is over, we cannot do both. The budget is where grand strategy is ground- ed; and the military portion of that budget is where the pivot from a uni-polar to a multi-polar world must begin. The March blueprint increased the military budget. Let’s hope that General Mattis is working on a plan because simply throwing more money at the situation and maintaining forces stretched thin around the world is not working. If the budget published in May looks like the current blueprint, expect this grade to change to an “F.” Staying Physically and Emotionally Healthy: B- President Trump is a hard worker. Can he maintain a healthy pace? Moving his family and operations to a new city is a stressful job given the security issues. It is hard for most people to imagine the stress related to security issues for kids and grand-kids in a family of this size under such circumstances. Heading down to Florida and playing golf is a good sign. Yes, it costs money. However, we need the President to get out of Washington on a regular basis, including on weekend outings. Rallies continue to be a great way for him to get that “outside-inside” inspiration. Growing in the Job: A President Trump has grown a great deal since the campaign began, since the election and since the inauguration – and he continues to grow. He is beginning to appreciate the extent of our country’s corruption and its financial addiction to criminal enterprise and war. One of his greatest accomplishments is his willing- ness to listen, to learn, and to persist in the face of complexity, corruption, conflicting headwinds, and double binds. This characteris- tic is one to appreciate. III. Administration Report Card for The First 70 Days