43 • New Priorities for the European Union at 60 • May and Sturgeon unable to find common ground; Scottish parliament will vote on inde- pendence referendum • EU could Break Up the US: Juncker in Jaw-dropping Threat to Trump over Support for Brexit • Merkel’s Party Easily Beats Centre-left in State Poll • Tillerson no-show at NATO renews European disquiet about Trump • LePen Rises to New All-Time High of 45% • Denmark on the Brink? – An Interview with Iben Tranholm • Northern Ireland Vote Jolts Already Disunited Kingdom • Dutch Liberals Defeat Wilders’s Party in Blow to Populist Surge • What Went Wrong with the Refugee Crisis in Greece • What the EU27 wants from Brexit C. Growth on the Silk Road • A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Be- hind India’s Brutal Experiment of Abolishing Most Cash • Alibaba Job Boom: Jack Ma Chats with Trump About How to Create 1 Million US Jobs Over 5 Years • Russia Doubles Grain Exports to ASEAN Countries • Game-changers Ahead on the (long) Maritime Silk Road • Theresa May to Urge Unity as Article 50 Letter Triggers Brexit D. The US China Re-balancing and the South China Sea • China Deploys ICBM System “In Response To Trump’s Provocative Remarks” • China Just Created A Record $540 Billion In Debt In One Month • China a Friend in Need to Malaysia • China Begins New Work on Disputed South China Sea Island • Tillerson Ends China Trip with Warm Words from President Xi • “Military Action Is On The Table”: Tillerson Warns “Patience” With North Korea Has Ended E. The Beaten Path to Antarctica • Antarctica: NASA Images Reveal Traces Of Ancient Human Settlement Underneath 2.3K Of Ice • Antarctica Hits Balmy 63.5F IV. The Deep State Grows More Evident • The Confession of the Criminal John Kerry • In an Epic Final Speech, Joe Biden Warns that the Progressive Democratic World Order is at Risk of Collapse • Congresswoman Returns From Syria With ‘Proof’ Obama Funded ISIS • Dyncorp, The Private Military Corporation At The Heart Of Foreign Policy Scandal • WikiLeaks Press Conference Thursday 9 March 2017 On CIA/Vault7/YearZero • CDC Seeks Quarantine Powers • India Ends Ties With Gates Foundation on Vaccines Over Worries of Big Pharma Influ- ence • The Transformation Of Our Nation Into A Complete Surveillance State Is Almost In Place: “You’re Known, Your Vehicle Is Known, Your Daily Itinerary, Shopping Habits… It’s All Being Recorded” • Insider Reveals How DARPA Will Control Our Minds: “If Even 20% Of This Is True…” The US Presidential Election: • Pope Warns Against Populism and ‘Saviours’ like Hitler • One Takeaway from Trump’s Inauguration Speech: Gangs • Trump to CIA: Maybe We’ll Build you a New Room, One Without Columns • Full Speech: Donald Trump CIA Headquarters Statement • Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks 93 I HEAR YOU