39 • As Democratic Attorneys General Target Trump, Republican AGs Target Them Productivity Growth: Labor vs. Human Productivity: • Initial Claims Crash To 44 Year Lows But Over 700,000 More People Are On Jobless Benefits Since Trump Was Elected • Robots Will Start Delivering Food to Door- steps in Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C., Today • Trump Wins The Unions: Teamsters Praise TPP Withdrawal, Labor Chiefs Describe “In- credible” Meeting With Trump • Income Share for the Bottom 50% of Amer- icans is ‘Collapsing,’ New Piketty Research Finds • Job Creation Posts Blowout Month in Febru- ary, ADP Says • Technological Trouble for Labor Productivity B. Piratization: Could the Rape of Russia Happen Here? • Russian Agent: Who Gave US Uranium to Putin, Trump or Hillary? • Congress Moves to Give Away National Lands, Discounting Billions in Revenue • New Puerto Rico Governor Signs Fiscal Emer- gency Law • Shooting Holes in Land Transfer • Get ready for Calexit! Now Nigel Farage and the ‘Bad Boys of Brexit’ Set Their sights on splitting California in Two C. National Security State Costs Out of Control • Alibaba’a Jack Ma Drops a Redpill in Davos: The U.S. Wasted $14 Trillion on Wars Over the Past 30 Years • $10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is • Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia • Dr. Steve Pieczenik – Neocons, ISIS, President Trump Coup • The Pentagon Has Never Been Audited • Defense Budget: Steve Pieczenikt D. More Cut & Run • Johnson: Elites Eying the Exits Signals Ameri- ca’s Crisis E. Corruption: Out of Control • FCC Chair: Networks Have “Incentive And Ability” To Disregard Consumers • CDC “Spider” Scientists Attack the CDC, Blow the Lid Off • Not 4 Sale – Why the Corrupt, Worker-Hat- ing New Democrats Must Be Purged • Google Fires Podesta Lobbying Group Shortly After Hiring Eric Braverman; Coincidence? • Congressman Nunes, Chair of House Intel- ligence Committee, Confirms that Trump Campaign/Transition Team was Wiretapped • WikiLeaks Reveals “Marble”: Proof CIA Disguises Their Hacks As Russian, Chinese, Arabic… • Super Snowden Whistleblower Releases 600,000,000 Pages Of Illegal NSA Spying (video) • Blixseth On Montgomery “I Hacked Into All Of America For Brennan & Clapper” Trump Zillion Times • Brooklyn Prosecutor Charged with Faking Judges’ Signatures for Illegal Wiretaps • Dyncorp, The Private Military Corporation At The Heart Of Foreign Policy Scandal • Senator Richard Black “The Global Elite Wants A Thermonuclear War With Russia” Pedophilia & Control Files: • Ben Swann #Pizzagate Special – CBS News • The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Attempted To Ignore/Cover It Up • Political Control & Pedophilia with Jon Rap- poport • Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Power- ful Elite Pedophile Ring • Documentary about Sex Trafficking: I Am Jane Doe • Professors & Staff Arrested for Trading in Child Rape • The Big Picture: PizzaGate & Beyond–Part 1 PLEASE NOTE: All the news articles listed in this section can be accessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: www.Solari.com then use the search func- tion to locate the items.