46 • Miscarriage of Justice’: Jailed Hacktivist & His Wife Share their Plight • Another Devastating Revelation on Killer Medical Drugs is Buried • Why the White Middle Class is Dying Faster, Explained in 6 Charts • Los Alamos Study Finds Airport Scanners can Rip Apart and Alter DNA • 140,000 Australian Anti-Vaccine Families Cut Off from Childcare Payments • Dementia Overtakes Heart Disease As Lead- ing Cause Of Death • India Ends Ties With Gates Foundation on Vaccines Over Worries of Big Pharma Influ- ence Food and Water • Trump’s Toxic Agriculture Policy will be as Grotesque as Obama’s • Deeper Roots: Urban Roots’ Food & Leader- ship Fellowship • Demise Of The American Farmer Reflects The Demise Of The Middle Class • Allow Direct Access to Homemade Foods • California ‘Bombogenesis’, Biggest Storm in Years, Kills Two • Market Rejection of GMOs Grows — Four- Year Plan to Topple Toxic Agriculture • Poison Fruit: Dow Chemical Wants Farmers to Keep Using a Pesticide Linked to Autism and ADHD • Lead Poisoning In “Dozens Of California Communities” Worse Than Flint, Michigan • EcoQube Frame: BEST Vertical Garden for Veggies & Succulents • Monsanto Attempt to Block Glyphosate from California Cancer List Tossed by Judge • UN Experts Denounce ‘Myth’ Pesticides are Necessary to Feed the World • Amish Farmer Sam Girod is in Jail • DNA Tests Reveal Subway’s Chicken Sand- wiches Are Just Half Chicken • Big-Money Speculators Are Buying Up and Renting Out Farms, and Pricing Real Farmers out of the Market • What Panera Had to Change to Make Its Menu ‘Clean’ A. Vaccines • CDC “Spider” Scientists Attack the CDC, Blow the Lid Off • Vaccines Revealed Episode 3 Bobby Kennedy Jr Interview • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Launches the World Mercury Project • Trump Says He’s ‘Exploring’ Forming Com- mission to Study Autism • A Cleveland Clinic Doctor Spread Anti-vac- cine Views. He’s Not Alone Among MDs. • VaxXed Tour: Brave Dr. Moss in West Vir- ginia • Why Texas is Becoming a Major Antivaccine Battlefield • New Vaccine Study: Heavy Metal and Red Blood Cell Contaminants Found • Robert F Kennedy Jr in Vermont: “Big Pharma’s Game Plan is to Remove Parental Informed Consent” • Vaccines: Big Pharma Can’t Ignore Yale • New Bought Documentary Exposes Ugly Truth Behind Vaccines, GMO’s and Big Pharma… • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Robert De Niro, National Press Club Conference • Robert De Niro on Vaccine Safety: ‘Some- thing’s Wrong’ • Parent of Autistic Teen Sues CDC to Allow Vaccine Whistleblower Testimony • CDC Document Bombshell Reveals List of all Vaccine Excipients • New Law Means You Could be the Subject of a Vaccine or Medication Experiment Without Your Informed Consent \ • Oral Delivery System could make Vaccina- tions Needle-free • “Bought” Vaccine Movie Bonus Short- An- drew Wakefield • New Vaccines will Permanently Alter Your DNA • Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Preva- “Big-Money Speculators Are Buying Up and Renting Out Farms, and Pricing Real Farmers out of the Market ” IV. News Trends & Stories