31 March 14 – • President Trump hosts Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman at the White House. March 15 – • A federal judge in Hawaii, issues a temporary nationwide restraining order on Executive Order 13780, the second travel ban. • President Trump makes remarks at the American Center for Mobility at Wil- low Run in Ypsilanti, Michigan and later holds a political rally in Nashville, Tennessee. • The senate confirms Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence. March 16 – • The Trump Administration releases a preliminary draft of the 2018 spending plan. The discretionary funds are a 0.3% reduction in total from the previous year. The budget’s largest relative increases in spending include the Depart- ments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs, with the largest cuts on the EPA, Foreign Aid, and the Departments of Labor and Agriculture. • Secretary of State Rex Tillerson makes his first official visit to Japan, to discuss the threats posed by North Korea’s missile program. • President Trump holds talks with Taoiseach Enda Kenny at the White House, and announces his intention to visit the Republic of Ireland during his presidency. March 17 – • President Trump holds a bilateral meeting and joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. • Rex Tillerson visits South Korea to discuss international threats, and indi- cates the possibility of military action against North Korea. • The White House announces that it will appeal the ruling against the second travel ban. • Vice President Pence meets with Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solis. March 18 – • Rex Tillerson meets with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, to discuss the North Korean missile program. March 19 – • German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen rejects an assertion by Pres- ident Trump on March 18th that Germany owes a financial debt to NATO. • Rex Tillerson completes his diplomatic tour of eastern Asia with a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing. March 20 – • President Trump issues a tweet rejecting allegations of collusion with Russia as “fake news”. • In a House Intelligence Committee hearing, FBI Director James Comey states that their investigation of Russian influence on the presidential elec- tion also covers possible links between Russia and Trump campaign figures, and that the FBI has no evidence of wiretapping against Trump. • President Trump meets with philanthropist Bill Gates in the morning and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the afternoon. • President Trump holds an evening political rally in Louisville, Kentucky. • President Trump nominates Judge Amul Roger Thapar to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. March 21 – • President Trump signs a bill which defines the budget and objectives of NASA, including a crewed mission to Mars as early as 2033. • The draft 2018 budget expands support of public-private partnerships for deep-space habitation, revives a supersonic flight research program, strengthens NASA’s cybersecurity, increases focus on planetary science and robotic exploration, cancels the Europa lander and Asteroid Redirect Mission, terminates four Earth science missions, and eliminates the NASA Office of Education, resulting in an overall 0.8% budget decrease. • Secretary Tillerson meets with Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez. March 22 – • Secretary Tillerson hosts a summit of (68) nations in Washington to discuss anti-ISIS strategy. • President Trump offers United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May the United States’ full support, following a briefing by National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster on a fatal terrorist attack carried out near the Palace of Westminster in London. March 23 – • The first major Congressional vote on President Trump’s planned repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act is postponed until March 24. Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney delivers an ultimatum to Congress on behalf of the Trump administration that the March 24 vote will be final. March 24 – • Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A. Shannon Jr. issues a presidential permit to allow the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline by TransCanada Corporation. • With the consent of President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan indefinitely postpones the first major Congressional vote on the repeal and replace- ment of the Affordable Care Act, due to lack of support from both sides of Congress. • President Trump and Defense Secretary Mattis host a group of prior medal recipients at the White House on the eve of National Medal of Honor Day. March 25 – • A ban on some electronic devices on flights from Turkey, Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait goes into effect. March 27 – • At the daily White House press briefing, Attorney General Sessions outlines plans to withhold funds and grants from sanctuary cities which refuse to fully enforce federal immigration laws. • President Trump signs a memorandum creating the White House Office of American Innovation, consisting of 2 senior advisors and 8 assistants to the president. March 28 – • President Trump signs an executive order which abolishes the National Environmental Policy Act, removes restrictions on fracking, and directs the 31