64 The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part Two states, countries, money managers, churches, charities, and families. Your political leadership is certainly financing it. Name everything you don’t like that the U.S. government is doing, that it is financing, or that you think its military and intelligence are probably doing. You are likely financing it. And you have the power to stop financing it—or to finance less of it. You also have the power to start ask- ing questions of all the institutions who represent you and have access to your financial resourc- es—including your bank, your pension fund, your state and local representatives, your money managers, your insurance company, and the charities and endowments you support. If you won’t stop financing it, and if you won’t ask questions, there is little more I can do. The U.S. government has undocumentable adjustments of $21 trillion. That is $65,000 for you and each of your family members, friends, and neighbors. Add the debt and the bailouts, and it keeps rising. It’s your money. Your assets are on the line. It’s your life. Your future and your children’s and grandchildren’s future is on the line. It’s your action. Whatever you decide to do, the Solari team and I will be here doing our best to help. Related Resources: Solari Report: · Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on U.S. Treasury and Related Securities https://hudmissingmoney.solari.com/caveat-emptor-why-investors-need-to-do-due- diligence-on-u-s-treasury-and-related-securities/ Videos: · USAWatchdog with Greg Hunter Interviews Dr. Mark Skidmore on FASAB 56, January 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3eHf9JJRZs Articles: · “Has the government legalized secret defense spending?” by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, Janu- ary 16, 2019 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/secret-government-spend- ing-779959/?fbclid=IwAR1xXuwT6l-aJDKlanE8d_h29zmYTUTm0t6YBGVKpJEHM- wR2PqR_lSGav3E Want more? Stay current at Solari’s Missing Money website: https://missingmoney.solari.com Subscribe at: https://shop.solari.com/