93 The Real Game of Missing Money of the first places I saw it in my own life, entrainment being used over the phone, when I was CEO and President of a computer company in the early 80s and I started noticing a weird thing happening when I was on the phone, and I had some friends come over from UC Berkeley and they brought their instrumentation and they tested my phone line and said, “Holy mackerel there’s these entrainment carriers on your phone line.” So it just came across the same way; sub-audio, sub-conscious, and dictating my state of mind. There were people who wanted me to be compliant with certain programs they had in their agenda, and I turned out to be a bad candidate, like your listener who doesn’t get hypnotized easily. We don’t have to be hypnotized. Let’s be really clear about that. Catherine: I think the key with investments is to always sleep on it and do the math. Math is a wonderful tool, do the numbers. I constantly say to my clients, you can’t be too careful about the quality of the people you do business with and you really want to be very careful over a multi-year period and do business with people you trust. Or the people you know, know and trust. Between math and careful networking you can protect yourself from a lot of it. I think that step number one is, knowing that it exists and knowing that you really need to do your homework and have intellectual mastery of what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Intuition is wonderful but you have to sleep on it with this kind of technology around. Adam: Thank God that you’re telling the truth about this, I really want to say this to you and all your listeners, I really am grateful that you are speaking the truth about what’s actually happening. I’ve seen the impact on people who cheer you when you say the way that this is organized, it’s really organized crime. The people in the United States have just had more than 15 trillion dollars stolen from us just by a slight of hand, by both Republican and Democratic Administra- tions. I think it’s extremely important and thank God for you because you’re the only person I know who’s really telling the truth about this. And I thank you for that. Catherine: I appreciate it but I’m still trying to find the truth! Adam: That’s the beautiful thing about it. Anybody who’s got any wisdom at all knows that the first thing you’ve got to do in the morning is say, “I don’t know exactly what’s going on.” Everyday Plato said the first step on the path of wisdom is the confession of ignorance. And every morning I wake up and I remind myself that I don’t know everything. There’s so much I don’t know it’s embarrassing. Catherine: I just can’t get over the fact that we live on this planet struggling as we do, and we know 3% of what there is to know and understand about how our planet works. Catherine Austin Fitts and Adam Trombly, “Entrainment Technology, Sub- liminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation,” on The Solari Report.