183 The Real Game of Missing Money · The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty: A look into the CIA and its historical influence in politics domesti- cally and abroad. · 9/11 & the New World Order by Mujahid Kamran: Kamran dives into the history and culture that would allow an event like 9/11 to happen. CULTURE · The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart: McTag- gart explores the work of physicists, biochemists, and other scientists searching for evidence in their respective fields that there is a force, that she calls the Field, which connects all beings and matter at a fundamental level. And our involvement with and connection to this Field can explain many things that, heretofore, have either been unexplainable or con- sidered not possible, including things of a psychic nature. · Emily Post’s Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today by Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning: The deterioration of civil discourse is profound—many of us have lost our ap- preciation of the good things we attract when we treat other people humanely. Emily Post said that “Etiquette requires the presumption of good until the contrary is proved.” That is good advice—and there is lots more in this updated edition from the Emily Post Institute. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN · Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts: If we are going to make America great again, we need to understand what has been destroying it. This is Catherine’s case study of how the U.S. prison-industrial complex made Washington and Wall Street rich while bankrupting American communities and taxpayers. SPACE · UFOs for the 21st Century Mind by Richard Dolan: Who’s really in charge? Dolan is one of the best minds on the planet to help you sort out the unanswered questions of outer space and its connections with covert finance and operations. · The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman R. Bergrun: Dr. Bergrun reveals that NASA’s Voyager I (1980) and II space probes took photographs of an estimated 7000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft docked in the rings of Saturn. FOOD & HEALTH · Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig: If you have not discovered Sally Fallon’s cookbooks, you are in for a treat! · In the Dark: New Ways to Avoid the Harmful Effects of Living in a Technologically Connected World by Jason Bawden-Smith: EMF Radiation is a major challenge. Envi- ronmental scientist and businessman Bawden-Smith is our go-to source for trustworthy information on both the science a layperson can understand and practical advice. · Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction by Gary Wilson: When you get online, you need to understand the powerful technology peo- ple use to make money. Online pornography is not just pornography – it is entrapment by public and private intelligence agencies used to create control files on you and the people