115 The Real Game of Missing Money 2019: Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready! W e are dividing into multiple worlds—not just those marked by separate languages and cultures, but by different visions of what a human being is. Are we sovereign individuals with rights that emerge from divine authority, or are we simply a natural resource to be exploited for pleasure, profit, and entertainment? If massive monetary inflation could be offset by global labor deflation, will the next round be continuous labor defla- tion through robotics and the integration of digital technology into humans—including on an involuntary basis? As we debate our sovereign rights and freedoms, we are experiencing an unprecedented effort to assert central control—often by covert means—and to brainwash and mind control the general population into financing and supporting the forces acting against us. As we finance this “inva- sion,” secrecy, corruption, and organized crime continue to grow. At the same time, our culture continues to be debased. For our scenario plans for 2019, I have chosen two variables. · The first is our humanity: Will we maintain a human civilization or become progressively more inhuman? · The second is the level of transparency, particularly as it relates to the nature of our gover- nance and resource management, including our financial flows: Will our governance and the funds and resources we provide to government be disclosed in an open way or kept secret? By lining up these two variables in a matrix, we create four scenarios: · Scenario #1: Whew! · Scenario #2: Candle in the Dark · Scenario #3: Mind Control · Scenario #4: Animal Farm