94 The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part Two Arguably, the most significant problem that Congress now faces in reengineering the budget is that there are a significant number of people who are beneficiaries of those who have control files on most politicians and are prepared to use dirty tricks and violence to get their way. What this means is that the only people who can be taxed or cut are the lawful—the people who don’t play dirty. Now is the push for gun control making more sense? The Great Governance Mystery Who is really in charge? And why are they behaving this way? The reality is that we really don’t know. The federal finances are a symptom of a governance system with secret goals that are very differ- ent from the ones publicly stated by the front men. Those who are benefiting the most from that system consider themselves above the law. From their perspective, the system is working perfectly and as designed. Any financial system is merely part of a human governance system. It is incon- ceivable that we can reform a financial system without addressing the overarching governance system and a general agreement on a system of laws and practical enforcement of those laws. Jon Rappoport and I recently discussed this issue on The Solari Report: Catherine: Well, I want to talk a little bit about sort of that control – just enough so we can see it. And one of the reasons that I was so keen to have the conversation with you that we’re having tonight—that we had when I saw you in California—was I had an unbe- lievably frustrating time in San Francisco because I kept bumping into people with grand solutions for the problems of everything that were going to make things worse. For example, we did a series of financial salons for Sea Lane when I was in the Bay Area, and at one salon somebody came and was talking about the importance of B corporations and impact investing for solving the world’s ills. And B corporations are a kind of corporation where the founders agree to all sorts of terms and conditions, and it’s audited and approved by a not-for-profit, which is separate. And the long and short of it is it’s a way of making the world much more complicated for the honest guys and significantly increasing the risks. And since the honest guys didn’t create the problem in the first place, the last person who needs more complexity and risks up against the bad guys are the good guys. So to me, it’s something that can be terribly misused, and it just makes matters much worse, because the last thing we need is more complexity and more rules and regulations. We need less. Impact investing is the idea that I’m going to take my money and help clean up the mess created by the people who just stole $40 trillion. To me a real solution is, “Well, let’s get the $40 trillion back.” But not taking my money and using it to finance their next scam, which I fear is the way some of this is going to be used. And so I said to the person in the middle of the salon—I said, “Wait a minute.” I said, “We have a problem, and that problem is that there is a group of people governing the planet. We’re not allowed to know who it is. That’s a guessing game. We don’t know, but we know they’re free to act outside the law, and they’re free to kill with impunity whenever they want. That’s got