190 The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part Two While I was in the Netherlands during the 1st Quarter, we published our first episode of our Future Science Series by Ulrike Granögger: Muons and Neutrinos – Excitement and Excitation (see https://science.solari.com). Developments in science are often the most significant news of our time. As we published Ulrike’s first presentation on neutrinos and The State of Our Pension Funds, the Solari website went down. The damage was so great that we decided to complete the new site we had been working on rather than repair the old. Thanks to all the subscribers who continued to support us during that time and great work by the Solari Team, we launched a new site a month or so later. The new site contained the most recent content. Throughout the remainder of the year, we continued to fill out a library with all the content from the initial solari.com launch. Subscribers now have access to a very rich archive of over 400 Solari Report interviews and thou- sands of posts and articles. One of the needs I identified at the beginning of the year was the need for briefing papers regard- ing the laws that created and defined the U.S. federal credit—including both monetary and fiscal policy. Dr. Mark Skidmore had published his report on the missing money in the fall of 2017. We created a website (https://missingmoney.solari.com) for his report, the underlying documen- tation, and historical articles and other materials on the phenomenon of what is now $21 trillion of undocumentable adjustments in accounts at the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. However, as Dr. Skidmore and I spoke with interested researchers and reporters, it became clear that they also needed to understand the legislative and legal history to make sense of what was happening. Explaining this history was an enormous task. Throughout the year, The Solari Report sponsored attorneys Michele Ferri and Jonathan Lurie in writing a series of seven briefing papers describing the legislative and legal history of the U.S. financial accounts, including one paper that specifically described FASAB 56 after the policy was issued in October 2018. This entailed an investment of resources throughout 2018 that was significant—but essential if a wider audience of investors and reporters are to understand what is happening in the United States, let alone turn things in a more positive direction. As our new website launched, I headed to Sydney, Australia to spend time with Jason Bawden- Smith before our two events with forty remarkable Solari Report subscribers in Uluru and the Australian Outback. Jason’s encouragement and support made these two weeks possible, as did the organizational support provided by Trina Bawden-Smith. Ulrike joined us for the first week, as did Charles Gowing, a brilliant Australian subscriber who continues to help me understand the Space-Based Economy, the theme for our 1st Quarter 2018 Wrap Up. Richard Dolan was our lead speaker and was joined by his wife Tracey Garbutt Dolan—indeed, they had a wedding ceremony overlooking Uluru in the first week! One of the defining events of my year was standing atop the Attila rock formation—thanks to a helicopter ride to the top arranged by Jason. As I wrote in the 2nd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up, “For as long as I live, when I look back at my time in the 2nd Quarter of 2018, I will be standing on the top of Attila in the Australian Outback. I will feel the long sweep of human destiny across many centuries and among many stars.” Throughout this time, my attorney Carolyn Betts and another member of the Solari Team were doing an incredible job responding to a state audit of my investment advisory company. The in- creased costs of regulation were one of the reasons I decided to stop providing individual invest- ment advice and focus on screens provided to other investment advisors.