62 The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part Two XII. Never Never Land – The Post FASAB 56 World “Glory glory, hallelujah Since I laid my burden down Glory glory, hallelujah Since I laid my burden down” ~ Lay My Burden Down, old gospel song T he adoption of FASAB 56 in October 2018 has dramatic implications that most Amer- icans and global investors are struggling to fathom. In frustration, I sent the following description to Matt Taibbi as he was writing a piece on FASAB 56 for Rolling Stone: “The story is simple and obvious. What is it about secret financing for secret armies that you do not understand? The U.S. government just officially changed its governance model from a constitutional republic to fascism through an obscure accounting policy. No need to bother with a Constitutional convention. The U.S. Treasury is free to tax and then borrow from our pension funds and global and domestic investors and then transfer the money and assets financed and tech- nology found or created without limit or oversight to private corporations and investors without compensation or oversight. This is privatization by the “just do it method.” Think of this as the extension of the bailouts to a permanent open bailout structure. The White House and Congress just opened a pipeline into the back of the U.S. Treasury and announced to every private army, mercenary, and thug in the world that we are open for business. Every mercenary on the planet is now generating proposed schemes to create business for themselves that pumps up U.S. corporate profits and campaign contributions. Why do you think Mat- tis is suddenly out and ads are suddenly running that ‘Blackwater is Coming’? My advice? Ask now former DOD Secretary Mattis—who opposed mercenary armies—how he feels about using his credibility to arrange significant increases in DOD appropriations and then getting the boot as soon as the mechanism to finance secret private armies goes into place.”