“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” ~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
By Catherine Austin Fitts
From fiscal 1998-2015, the Department of Housing and Urban Development had almost $1 trillion of undocumentable adjustments. The Department of Defense had approximately $20 trillion of undocumentable adjustments. (See Missing Money)
Indeed, during this period these agencies and the US government failed to comply with the Constitution, laws and regulations relating to financial management. (See our series on the legal provisions related to US government financial management)
If you think this is acceptable, try the same approach on your next IRS filing and see what that division of the US Treasury says and does in response.
I often hear that it is not possible for $21 trillion in real assets – whether cash, government securities or credit or armaments and hard assets to be stolen over a twenty year period. That is absolutely not correct. It is more than possible.
Another response is that if this much had indeed be printed, created or in circulation that we would have hyperinflation. Not so. (Although, real inflation is running at a much higher rate than the official statistics indicate. See: http://www.chapwoodindex.com/)
To help you understand the mechanics of how so much money could go missing as well as how it could be reinvested or circulated without hyperinflation, I invited Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics to join me for an exercise in imagination.
If Rob and I were screenwriters and we were going to write a movie about the missing money, what would the various financial fraud schemes we would consider for our plot be? Which would we choose? And how would we make sure inflation would not give us away? How would we make sure that the majority of Americans would not notice that the savings in their pension funds, IRAs and 401ks was being laundered through the US government and they would ultimately be liable for the related IOUS?
Join us in the imagination room for a wild ride through the financial ecosystem and our thoughts on what has been going on in the darkest corners of the financial and pension systems as they fund the national security state.
Related Solari Reports:
Solari Report: Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby
Solari Report: The Exchange Stabilization Fund with Rob Kirby
Solari Report: The Many Faces of Secrecy with Amy Benjamin
Solari Report: The Cost of Secrecy with Richard Dolan
Solari Report: The Missing Money – $21 Trillion in Undocumentable Adjustments and Counting with Dr. Mark Skidmore
Secret Space Program
Fitts: The Black Budget 2014
Farrell: Analysis of the Breakaway Civilization 2014
Farrell: UFOs & Space Collateralization: 2014
Dolan: UFO Encounters with the World Militaries 2014
Farrell: Cosmic War Part I: 2015
Farrell: Cosmic War Part II: 2015
Fitts: The Space Based Economy: 2015
Panel Discussion: 2015
Related Reading:
The Missing Money – Missingmoney.solari.com
Legal Series on Federal Finances at Constitution.solari.com
The State of Our Pension Funds.solari.com
Hero of the Year: Dr. Mark Skidmore