58 The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part Two I continued to speak publicly about the extraordinary amounts of money that had gone missing at HUD and DOD in fiscal 2015 and from 1998 to date. Many people did not believe me. In response, I kept sending or posting links to the underlying government financial documents. It is always a remarkable experience to quote directly from public government reports and have people refuse to believe you and refuse to take the time to read the reports. As luck would have it, I have a group of intelligent subscribers. Some had the interest to dig in and read them and confirm my basic points. In May 2017, I got an email from Dr. Mark Skidmore at Michigan State University. He had heard me describe the 2015 undocumentable adjustments. Knowing I must be wrong, he checked the DOD documents and confirmed I was right. He offered to help. The result was a decision for Dr. Skidmore and his students to do a thorough survey of HUD and DOD financial statements from 1998 to 2015 to establish a more reliable count of the missing money for the period. I had one condition—that I store and republish all documents on the Solari servers before we published anything. I think Dr. Skidmore thought I was being overly cautious. In fact, I just had 28 years of expe- rience with the lies, cheating, hacking, trickery, and violence that occurred in and around this issue. As I suspected, the government removed many of the financial reports that we downloaded and which supported the case of missing money. When the DOD and HUD IGs took down the documents, our copies continued to publish. Likely embarrassed by the fact that we had not de- pended on their website and Dr. Skidmore’s public shock, they republished the previously deleted reports on different URLS. They said they happened to be “reorganizing” their websites. Miracu- lously, both the DOD and HUD IGs decided to reorganize their web documents at precisely the same time. What a coincidence! Related Resources: Solari Report: · Edward Bernays & the 10 Big Lies of the 21st Century with Junious Ricardo Stanton https://home.solari.com/edward-bernays-10-big-lies-of-the-21st-century-with-junious- ricardo-stanton/ · Exchange Stabilization Fund with Rob Kirby https://home.solari.com/the-exchange-stabilization-fund-with-rob-kirby/ · Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby https://home.solari.com/interest-rate-swaps-with-robert-kirby/ Articles: · “The financial coup & missing money: Quotes” https://home.solari.com/the-financial-coup-missing-money-quotes/ · “U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-audit-army-idUSKCN10U1IG · “The productivity backlash” https://home.solari.com/the-us-presidential-election-the-productivity-backlash/