139 The Real Game of Missing Money · Betsy DeVos: Common Core is dead at U.S. Department of Education · With new focus on curriculum, Gates Foundation wades into tricky territory · Bill Gates admits his Common Core experiment is a failure We can also celebrate this story as a Joseph Farrell victory—Dr. Farrell’s book, Rotten to the (Com- mon) Core (coauthored with Gary Lawrence), was one of the definitive Common Core critiques. That book made it clear that the U.S. educational system has been “rotten” for a very long time. We’ve had Harvard Presidents using standardized testing to triage the “elite” and “non-elite,” and an Educational Testing Service that cooperated with MK-Ultra. We need to keep “owning the culture” while making headway with the other threats—such as bad food, vaccines, and mind control—that are driving our children into a state of non-competitiveness and ineffectiveness. High-integrity allies, time in nature, prayer, and beautiful music are things that can help combat mind control and lift all of us into a higher mind. · Marine Corps Commandant: “Less than 30% of young men and women” qualified to join military · A dark consensus about screens and kids begins to emerge in Silicon Valley Story #13: Bill Binney’s Great Encryption Teach-In If every young person in America and the G7 were to learn how to do encryption, says Bill Binney, we could drive the deep state crazy with millions of encryption systems. Although it is probably impossible for a digital system to have complete integrity, we need higher-integrity sys- tems than we have now. And let’s not forget to have young people also learn about analog codes and ciphers. · The Tor Project, Inc: Tor program would disguise your communications · Current commercially available programs…go through NIST for testing. When you give it to NIST, that’s actually giving it to NSA. · ExposeFacts: For whistleblowing, journalism and democracy SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY “When it comes to shaping the future of artificial intelligence, the single most important factor will be the actions of human beings.” ~ Kai-Fu Lee Story #14: Transhumanist Pile On Food safety rules have been used to control the food system and drive small farmers and gro- cers out of business, but as that happens, food gets more and more unsafe. And now…we have lab-grown meat. Do we trust sellers like Amazon/Whole Foods to clearly label lab-grown meat as such? Other over-the-top stories this quarter included lab-grown human brains, gene-edited babies, birth from a transplanted uterus, a transgender man becoming Miss Spain, and an opioid a thousand times more potent than morphine. Not to mention a disturbing Gender X children’s clothing line. Prepare yourself to maintain human culture in the face of headlines that are trying to make you incoherent.