38 The Solari Report / 2018 Annual Wrap Up / Part Two requested a global settlement at the end of 2005. I was pretty sure that meant the deep state was ready to pull the plug on the mortgage bubble at long last. Keeping it going as long as they had was a remarkable feat of financial engineering. The financial coup was a huge success. Trillions more continued to disappear while the offshore havens grew ever more replete with assets. The need to make an example out of honest players like me and Hamilton Securities was over. I was right that Wall Street and Washington were about to pull the plug on the mortgage bubble—but I underestimated how much more could be stolen in the bailouts ahead. Now that trillions in fraudulent securities had been issued globally to help finance the financial coup d’état, it was time to pull the plug and make top investors whole by sticking the bill to the taxpayers—essentially rolling them over through Treasury and the Federal Reserve into the Treasury market. Related Resources: Solari Report: · The Many Faces of Secrecy with Amy Benjamin https://home.solari.com/the-many-faces-of-secrecy-with-amy-benjamin/ Videos: · C-SPAN – Gold Standard https://video.solari.com/video_listing/c-span-gold-standard/ · C-SPAN – 9-11 Victims Family Hearings https://video.solari.com/video_listing/cspan-911-investigation-victims-family-hearings/ · America: Freedom to Fascism (documentary by Aaron Russo) – Catherine describes $3.3 tril- lion missing from DOD and HUD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNNeVu8wUak Audios and Interviews: · “America’s black budget and the manipulation of mortgage & financial markets,” Catherine Austin Fitts, May 2004 https://library.solari.com//wp-content/uploads/2015/Scoop-America’s_Black_Bud- get_&_Manipulation_Of_Markets.pdf · “Enron: The anatomy of a cover-up,” Catherine Austin Fitts, March 2002 https://library.solari.com/enron-the-anatomy-of-a-cover-up/ · “The real deal about Enron, Parts 1–7” http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0304/S00031.htm Articles: · “The myth of the rule of law or how the money works: The destruction of Hamilton Securi- ties Group” by Catherine Austin Fitts – Published by Sanders Research Associates in London in the fall of 2001, this article was one of my efforts to warn the global financial community about collateral fraud in the U.S. mortgage market. https://www.dunwalke.com/gideon/q301.pdf