31 that China needs just to keep its lights on, and megabridges from Hong Kong and Shenzhen to the mainland. https://www.youtube.com/embed/gNE7VPt- vfbI The World’s Future Megaprojects (2017) A documentary on eight major megaprojects such as Turkey’s building boom in Istanbul, Nigeria’s development of the city of Lagos, and construction of a super stadium in At- lanta, Georgia. Other megaprojects featured here include a project to probe an exoplanet, a mission to send astronauts to Mars, India’s modernization of roads, and China’s One Belt One Road initiative. All these ambitious proj- ects to secure future advantages involve huge present-day expenditures of money, resources, and societal displacement. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ci- Q874ZuIno New York: America’s Megacity (2017) A concise history of New York’s development from a small settlement into a financial, social, and power center of the U.S. A list of current challenges: an out-of-date subway system, the exorbitant cost of housing, and the threat of rising sea levels. https://www.youtube.com/embed/dzjQ-akB- 3BI Megacities: Sao Paulo (2018) A megalopolis of 20 million people who suffer from a lack of fresh water in a country where 20% of the world’s sweet water is concentrat- ed. A lesson in 21st century city growth: meg- acities need to develop better sustainability to avoid crises of basic needs of clean water or air. https://www.youtube.com/embed/sNEeY_ gXFBc The World’s Fastest Growing Megacity: Dhaka (2017) A mini-portrait of the world’s most densely populated city of Dhaka in Bangladesh, where overpopulation, lack of clean water, and threats of flooding are just some of the city’s prob- lems. Governmental inefficiency and attacks by radical Islamic groups also threaten daily life in the region. https://www.youtube.com/embed/vKGITvy- WMH0 Tokyo: Earth’s Model Megacity (2018) In preparation for the 2020 Summer Olym- pics, a portrait of Tokyo—the most successful and also the most populous megacity in the history of the world (39 million residents in the metropolitan area). It is also the safest big city on the planet and has a two trillion dollar GDP. Tokyo’s changes to its energy manage- ment and some road upgrade programs are presented as well. https://www.youtube.com/em- bed/-SL9KRvzVmo Cairo: Megacity of the Middle East (2017) The largest city of the desert region, Cairo experienced a heyday as a center of spice trade in the Middle Ages, followed by a period of decline until the 1930s, and urban sprawl since the 1950s. Contemporary Cairo suffers from overpopulation that is not alleviated by suburbs that stand empty due to lack of jobs and transportation. There is a project to build a second capital (by a Chinese company), but it may not solve all of the region’s problems. https://www.youtube.com/embed/0tKph- KvodLQ How to Protect Fast-Growing Cities from Failing (2014) Robert Muggah, a security expert who studies megacities, talks about violence that is concen- trated in some cities of Africa, Latin America, and Asia, while other continents and northern countries are experiencing unprecedented