A 21st-Century Approach to Energy with Charlie Stephens, Part I and Part II
- Commentary for A 21st-Century Approach to Energy with Charlie Stephens, Part I (Link for Part I)
- Commentary for A 21st-Century Approach to Energy with Charlie Stephens, Part II (Link for Part II)
- Listen to the interview MP3 audio file (Part I)
- Listen to the interview MP3 audio file (Part II)
Pricing the Great Poisoning with Toby Rogers
- Commentary for Pricing the Great Poisoning with Toby Rogers (Link)
- Listen to the interview MP3 audio file
Protect Your Child from Mental Health Weaponization with Dr. Peter Breggin
- Commentary for Protect Your Child from Mental Health Weaponization with Dr. Peter Breggin (Link)
- Listen to the interview MP3 audio file
“Never Say Die” with Dr. Naomi Wolf
- Commentary for “Never Say Die” with Dr. Naomi Wolf (Link)
- Listen to the interview MP3 audio file
“We should ask God to increase our hope when it is small, awaken it when it is dormant, confirm it when it is wavering, strengthen it when it is weak, and raise it up when it is overthrown.”
~ John Calvin
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Each year during the holiday season, we celebrate the very Best of the Solari Report. This week, we start by publishing our four top selections from the Solari Report Weekly Interviews. Three of the four (with Charlie Stephens, Toby Rogers, and Naomi Wolf) were with changemakers appearing on the Solari Report for the first time, while our fourth pick welcomed back the heroic Dr. Peter Breggin. All four of these courageous individuals offer both practical and visionary roadmaps for understanding the war we are in and how to navigate it.
In interviews that generated a remarkable and engaged dialogue with subscribers, independent energy consultant and systems engineer Charlie Stephens led us through the thicket of complexities that surrounds energy topics. Dissecting “the rackets” (Charlie’s term for Mr. Global), our conversation pinpointed three of the leading causes of environmental harm on the planet today: the central banking-warfare model, industrial agriculture, and the energy-intensive control grid.
Political economist and public policy expert Dr. Toby Rogers is the rare analyst who is bold enough to call out the poisoning that is the foundation of the medical-pharmaceutical business model. Toby’s work helps us understand the “iatrogenocide” underway and provides essential insights for risk management.
Popular Solari guest Dr. Peter Breggin, famed as the “conscience of psychiatry,” joined me for a very important conversation about how to protect our children from the dangerous weaponization of mental health. This topic is one that everyone, from parents-to-be to grandparents, needs to take very seriously.
One of Dr. Naomi Wolf’s many gifts is her ability to recognize tyranny long before others see the threat—whether the Green New Deal, vaccine passports, or the attack on human reproduction via mRNA injection. This interview was so popular among subscribers that we made it public.
We hope these interviews remind you of the fearless people who are providing actionable intelligence—the kind we can use to light and create a pathway forward.
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The Best of the Solari Report 2023 — The Special Reports
views: 10