Action of the Week: September 23, 2024: The Phantom Planter

“The main aim is to get people to fall in love with nature. It makes people happy, it makes me happy.” ~ The Phantom Planter

For our suggested Action of the Week, Solari invites you to draw inspiration from the enigmatic Irish figure known as the “Phantom Planter,” who embodies the spirit of an environmental champion.

Raised in Belfast amid the conflicts of the 1980s, he was the product of a Catholic mother and a Protestant father, an upbringing that profoundly influenced his understanding of community and resilience. Following a period of financial success, he faced a downward spiral that led him to rock bottom. In search of redemption, he entered a Buddhist monastery, where a transformative journey reshaped his worldview and infused his life with purpose. Embracing Buddhist principles, he developed a commitment to environmental stewardship and community service.

As the Phantom Planter, he has devoted himself to planting thousands of fruit trees across Belfast, with trees mysteriously appearing in various locations from community gardens to the mountains. His goal is to establish free food sources for everyone, promoting community engagement and sustainability.

Through his initiatives, the Phantom Planter seeks to motivate others to participate in similar endeavors, saying, “I challenge you to phantom plant a tree, anywhere, anytime, any place! Make urban orchards a reality.” He adds, “If there’s a green space, I’ll try to stick a tree in it, and I’d love more people to adopt that spirit.” We encourage you to support similar efforts or consider planting some trees, too!

Antoine Moses, a Canadian tree planter, has personally planted over 1.3 million trees in the last seven years and set a world record by planting 23,060 trees in a single day. His actions represent genuine environmentalism, standing in stark contrast to those who resort to disruptive protests, such as vandalizing art or gluing themselves to an Alpine tunnel, as well as individuals who place large solar panels on prime agricultural land.

As always, Solari welcomes your feedback regarding similar initiatives happening in your local communities. Our subscribers always have the best sources, so please share your insights with us.


The Phantom Planter (Website)

Help Us Create Urban Orchards

Phantom Planter (YouTube channel)

The Phantom Planter’s Map of Free Food

Quebecer Breaks Guinness World Record, Planting More Than 23K Trees in 24 Hours

Antoine Moses: Be Part of My Green Journey

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Climate Change Activists Glue Themselves to Road to Alpine Tunnel

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