Pushback of the Week: September 2, 2024: Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back Symposium

“Control the food, and you control the people.” ~ Cicero

The upcoming symposium presented by Door to Freedom and Children’s Health Defense, “Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back,” is an excellent example of pushback. The symposium, which will live-stream on September 6-7, 2024, boasts a distinguished and much-anticipated lineup of approximately 40 leaders in their respective fields, who aim to raise awareness and provide essential education and solutions regarding current threats to the global food supply.

Following opening remarks by host Meryl Nass, MD—a seasoned internal medicine physician and expert on chemical and biological warfare—featured guests familiar to the Solari audience will include Catherine Austin Fitts (on the topic of “Food: Freedom or Famine”), Solari Food Series host Pete Kennedy, Pharma Food author Elze van Hamelen, Polyface Farm’s Joel Salatin, and Tennessee’s Senator Frank Niceley, among others.

The event will be divided into three sections:

  1. The general attack on food and agriculture
  2. The specifics of the attack on food
  3. Solutions – how do we fix this?

The impressive collection of presenters also includes Professor Andre Leu (on regenerative agriculture), Stephanie Seneff (glyphosate, the ecosystem, and climate change), Brian Hooker (bird flu), Sherri Tenpenny (vaccines in food), Robert Verkerk (attack on livestock and meat), and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (a new farm program for America). The complete list of speakers and their biographies can be found at the Door to Freedom website.

Mark your calendar and share this information widely!

To watch the live stream:

Connect to one of the links below on September 6-7 (11am-7pm EDT / 8am-4pm PT / 4pm-midnight GMT).

Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back (Door to Freedom)

Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back (Children’s Health Defense)

Food and Farming Symposium (ANH International)


Door to Freedom

How to Protect Your Food and Medical Freedoms

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