69 • The Missing Money – Supporting Docu- mentation The administration’s response was to announce an audit that has been in planning for two years and claimed that they had found 800 missing helicopters. There was no mention of making the 1200 auditors working on the audit available to investigate the 170 transactions that made up $6.5 trillion in undocumentable adjustments at the Army in fiscal 2015. While a clean audit report would be nice, you cannot pay pension funds with audit reports for years after fiscal 1998-2015. There is $21 trillion missing – get- ting it back is what is needed to meet pension and other obligations. If the administration is planning serious purges, will lawful recapture of taxpayer’s funds be a primary goal? Several other questions remain regarding Trump administration performance in 2017. The first relates to fires in California and hurri- canes in Puerto Rico and Houston. Were these natural events or was arson or weather warfare involved? If arson or “thermal warfare” was involved in California, the US military imple- mented or allowed it to happen. Ditto with hurricanes. The US military controls US air space. This means we must also ask why the US military is implementing or permitting geoen- gineering and the spraying of heavy metals over North America. President Trump has certainly created a crack in the “official reality” that is encouraging a more open discussion of what is going on. However, there appear to be significant topics that are still suppressed. That includes the answer to the question, “what is actually happening in Chicago?” The city recorded 650 murders in 2017, a drop from 771 murders in 2016. However, there is a long-stand- ing ethnic cleansing of the African-American population underway and continuing questions about organized crime and organ harvesting. • Chicago – What is the Crime Rate Really About? Cook County Official proposes inviting a UN Peacekeeping force • Trump vows federal intervention to quell Chicago gun violence Trump’s temper and Washington establishment and corporate media childish and corrupt behav- ior have created significant domestic and global drama since the inauguration. That drama has certainly not helped the US brand abroad. However, it has created a more open environ- ment to discuss and address our real problems. The unanswered question is whether the faction now in control is committed to doing it’s best to enforce the Constitution and a human future. Or, is using the US budget and military to legislate corporate monopolies and profits which engineer higher stock market returns still a more important goal? Are we simply going to purge the financial coup leadership and move on to the next phase of the shift to Global 3.0? We will be watching as a new year of political change unfolds. Story #6: US Budget: The US Doubles Down on Missing Money, War & Arms Sales “A hundred wagon loads of thoughts will not pay a single ounce of debt.” – ITALIAN SAYING The reengineering of the federal budget was a source of political tension throughout 2017. Events came to a head in the fall with increased