58 IV. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES Executive Order Blocking the Property of Per- sons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption on December 21, immediately after US tax reform legislation was finalized. It is not clear how this order in combination with the existing asset seizure and forfeiture and financial sanctions laws will be applied. It is likely that many efforts to recapture money will be executed quietly. Whether quiet or not, expect fireworks. • Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption Whether his resignation signaled that tax reform represented the successful consolidation of the Trump Administration and the failure of the Russia narrative, or concerns about his person- al liability, given the Executive Order and FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation, major Clinton backer Alphabet CEO Eric Schmidt, resigned shortly after the Executive Order was signed. Expect more resignations in 2018. One potential sign that shakedown purges are happening is the continued hacking of prominent law firms in the offshore system. • Bermuda cyber hack: Offshore law firm data hack leaves super-rich bracing for financial details to be released • Paradise Papers This is part of the effort to repatriate capital to the United States. Another theme that is emerging as the shift from Global 2.0 to Global 3.0 continues, is the relationship between the two sides of the “cen- tral banking-warfare” model. We are watching a power shift within the national security state. The warfare side of the house appears to be gaining power relative to the bankers now that the financial coup d’état is over. Those who are responsible for concrete operations and assets are reasserting their authority to ensure the funda- mental stability of the system. Let’s see if they convert this towards a more permanent shift in power and performance in 2018. The Neocons At the center of the purges are tensions resulting from the continued power of the Neocons, their support for Israel, promotion of war with Iran and in the Middle East and success at negating the Trump Administration’s campaign promises to reduce foreign military commitments. This problem includes a growing number of leaders in Congressional or Administration positions that hold dual Israeli citizenship and continue to legis- late against free speech regarding their conflicts of interest and Israeli influence on US politics. • All 100 Senators Sign Letter Against U.N. Actions to Bring Israel to Account • US Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel • Maryland Governor Signs Order to Block Boycott of Israel Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney discussed the challenge in depth in her discussion, Enforce the Constitution on the Solari Report this year. You can find this interview, as well as many other Solari Report at the special web presentation we created in 2017 regarding the enforcement of the US Constitution. • Enforce the Constitution During 2017 Australia seems to have figured out their dual citizenship scandal and is holding the line on these conflicts of interest. The US needs to do the same. • Explaining Australia’s Dual Citizenship Scandal Mass Purges The most disturbing signs of purges are ongoing assassinations, weather warfare, and, what appears to be, thermal warfare north of San Francisco and Los Angeles and in a number of locations in Southern Europe. These reflect a leadership in a hurry, prepared to move quickly and achieve their goals in highly economic ways using invisi- ble warfare against significant numbers of peace- ful civilians. To the extent that these are covert operations, the disregard of the law is profound. The fires in Northern California were a particular concern. Was Silicon Valley investment lead- ership clearing land for a Silicon Valley North? We think this was one of the most important Presdent Donald Trump signs Executive Order