19 We found some excellent data on public pension funds from PublicPlansData.org, a collaborative effort by the Center for State and Local Gov- ernment Excellence, the National Association of State Retirement Administrators, and the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. This site currently tracks 170 plans across the United States, of which 114 are administered at the state level and 56 are administered locally. The funds they track represent 95 percent of public pension membership and assets nationwide. Chances are, if you are teacher, police officer, firefighter or other- wise work for a state or local municipality, you’re probably covered by one of these plans. During the period 2007 to 2016, these 170 public pension plans made an average return of 6.4% per annum, compared to the 40/60 Portfolio, which averaged 7.0% during this time. These funds, on average, outperformed the 40/60 Portfolio in six of those years and underperformed in four.