77 Still I needed a plan for the next ‘see’ and I needed the ability to high-speed once I saw what was after the next ‘see’. Then I needed the ability to create a new plan, and needed to work with a group of people who had sufficiently high integrity to be able to operate from “See to shining see.” Farrell: What you just said is very, very important. There is a difference between the bureaucrat who sits down and writes goals and someone who has an artistic vision or picture of where they want to be. This is why I’m stressing culture so much. Whatever that exposure does, one thing it does is enhances your intellectual faculty to be able to picture things and, equally and crucially, to be able to decipher the symbols and pictures when they occur. The key thing that most people don’t understand about these power elites is that at the very tip-top, these people do not think in terms of a bureaucrat’s regulation book. They think in terms of symbols and pictures. One of the reasons they are so adamant about dumbing down the artistic culture is to denude that innate human ability. It’s part and parcel and the power they wield is that. Fitts: It amounts to who invents the future. Do we invent our own future, or is our future invented and handed to us by a bureaucrat? I have the ability to invent my own future, and I refuse to concede that power to anyone else. And we have the power to do that, particularly if we are willing to do it together. I don’t mean that I invent your future and you invent my future, but you invent your future and I invent my future, and we can collaborate and say, “If we do this thing together, we can help each other get on down the road faster or better or higher quality.” I refer back to culture from a different angle –the same as what you are saying. Just as I said that faith is the substance of things hoped for but not yet seen, faith is literally the building block that puts it together and creates it. It’s the raw ingre- dient that makes the brick that makes the cathedral. Culture is the same thing. Culture is how you bed that faith and hope into the building blocks. It’s part of the creation mechanism. Farrell: One of the reasons this culture of ‘inhumanists’ is so dead and lifeless is precisely because it’s not a culture of faith. I know that probably will upset some people, but it’s the reality of what has built this culture for 2,000 years. This is the problem. Those three pillars that I mentioned previously, are under such tremendous cultural assault, and people don’t understand that those three things are the umbrella. It’s not the US Consti- tution; it is those three things that are the umbrella. If those things are taken away, you will be living in a dark age that the planet has never seen. Fitts: No one can take it away from us if we preserve it. The greatest quality of the American people is that they have enormous faith. You can meet an Ameri- can who is a devout atheist, but they have enormous faith that, “We can do it. We can make it work. It can work.” They know how to use intention to create their future and to create their reality. It’s very ‘Bill Tiller’ and it’s really part of the culture. One of my favorite quotes from Jon Rap- poport – and I’ve used it almost every day in the 3rd quarter – is something that he said at the Secret Space Program in 2014. He said, “Hopelessness is an op, and it’s planet-wide.” Back to what you said about them using culture and cultural wars to bring down the Constitution and change the power equation: in Charlottesville, they were marketing hopelessness. I believe that they were using entrainment to market hopelessness. They were using fake news to market hopelessness, and it’s an op, and it’s the one we can’t fall for. Part of what we need to do – and we’ll talk about this more in Control 101 – is not fall for the op. Farrell: Just say no; say no to the addic- tion. Fitts: The great freeing thing for me during the litigation was that I came through a process where I had to give up all of my possessions. You name it, and I had to give it up. It came down to two things: my freedom or my life. I said, “Freedom is more important. I’m more afraid of slavery than I am of death.” That is when I became free and was very clear about that. If you look at most peo- ple, they are slowly and steadily conceding their culture and conceding their freedom because they are trying to avoid risk. Farrell: I believe a certain someone once said, “Fear not him who can kill the body, but him who can kill the soul.” That is what we have been living under – people who are trying to kill the soul. Fitts: They keep threatening that they are going to kill the body, and whether it’s carrot or stick, they’re trying to get you to give up your soul. Farrell: By the way, that’s Faust. Fitts: Why does it always come back to Faust? There is much to be inspired by once you see the game. Just knowing that the caval- ry is showing up makes me feel terrific. Farrell: I’ve been very encouraged by what I’ve been seeing with my little cul- ture experiments. There is a great deal of work still to be done. I think that for most people, culture is an abstraction. You say that, and they think, “Oh, you have to go to the opera and enjoy Verdi.” Fitts: I do think that you have to go to the opera and enjoy Verdi! Farrell: I know that you do, but I would rather say Monteverdi. That is a beautiful opera. Fitts: To each his own. I’ll go to the opera and enjoy Verdi, but you don’t have to do it. For the 3rd Quarter, do you have any message for us of what you see ahead and any advice? Farrell: It’s the same thing that we’ve said in so many of these reports. It’s going to be bumpy for quite a while. That is the re-