39 credit flows and make it do things that are highly contradictory to fundamental eco- nomics, and I could do it for a long, long time, and I have these control technolo- gies, then I can do what they are doing. I would never have believed it when I was Assistant Secretary of Housing. I would never have believed it possible if I hadn’t drilled down to the control technologies. Every time since then, I will sit down with most financial professionals and say, “Let’s talk about the control technologies.” So off we go, and suddenly I am offering up the first one, such as pedophilia or control files, and they say, “I don’t want to go there.” I say, “How can you not go there? How can you recommend to other people that they invest their savings in a system when you won’t take the time to understand the mechanics of the system?” The next one is that I try to explain how you can do surveillance capitalism using software and AI. So the NSA doesn’t need 1 million people listening to all of us; they can do it all with software and AI. They say, “I don’t want to go there.” I’ve had a couple of years of, “I don’t want to go there.” There is this state of denial. One thing with the missing money is, “I don’t want to go there. It’s too big. It’s too overwhelming.” There is a state of denial about looking at the nuts and bolts of what we’re dealing with. I believe, if we want to stay alive, if we want to protect the Constitution, we have to go there. The reason I’m saying this and the reason I want to record these sessions with you is because you are willing to go there. So where in the heck did you get the courage? Farrell: Frankly, it comes partially from academic experience – when I was in academia – and partially it comes from the fact that I’m a victim of all of these won- derful social programs and faulty market analysis. The bottom line is that economics, as an academic subject, does not teach you to look at these human mechanisms, and that is the big problem. We’ve discussed this before. The influence of technology on market manipulation is astronomical at this stage. Laying aside all of the other things; laying aside control files, blackmail, and all of the other things that are part of this system, if you look simply at the impact of technol- ogy on markets, what we have now are equities markets, commodities markets, and I would even go so far as to say bond markets – everything – is all managed, and most of the trading is being done by com- puter algorithms that even the program- mers, half of the time, don’t understand. Actually, we’re living in a type of a parallel track world, as far as I’m concerned – as far as the public financial system goes. We are living partly in a virtual system where prices are no longer reflective of a human reality. In other words, when I think of Wall Street, it’s virtual reality. Fitts: It’s virtual reality, and it doesn’t reflect the analog world. Farrell: Precisely. It does not reflect any actual human trading that is occurring. So what this means, if we drill down to the brass tacks – because you mentioned this last night and I wanted to make a point of bringing this up – is price is no longer a signal of actual value. It’s no longer a signal of actual productive reality. It’s a completely artificial world. You cannot have a functioning econo- my over the long term if that is the basis because you’re leaving out the screaming traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, waving papers around and hav- ing them punched and mailing out stock certificates at the end of the day. That world is gone by and large, and that is the world that I think needs to come back. That is a world that is reflective of real human market conditions. What we are living in now is make believe. It’s nothing but make believe, and if you can’t understand the markets, it’s because the markets are no longer reflective of that human reality. Fitts: However, here is the nasty little secret: You can only replace the markets with interventions. So there is no market; there are just interventions. You can only do that if you control the Federal credit mechanism and have access to an infinite amount of money to rig things. You have to have that plug. If you don’t have that plug, then the tail – in the worst case – is your private equity. Farrell: You said something very crucial, and I hope that people have latched onto it. You have access to an infinite amount of money. So in other words, the standard models that you and I would be familiar with from economics class in high school or college or whatever, simply no longer apply. They are not operating with these models anymore; they are operating with models of infinite money, infinite debt, and so on. I tried to bring that out in Babylon’s Banksters. The other thing that I think is a crucial component of what people need to latch onto with all of this technology and the ability to have a system of constant inter- vention in the markets – which is what we are looking at. This is coming out of certain studies that were done at the same time that we saw the change in the finan- cial markets really begin to take hold and get a deep grip, which I think was around the mid 1990’s. The other thing that happened at the same time was that the Military-Indus- trial Complex – the intelligence complex in this country – came up with the idea of full-spectrum dominance. What that means is that we want to control every- thing. We want to control the informa- tion, we want to control the weather, we want to control space, we want to control the schools, and we want to control the textbooks. This is the system that they have put into place. Fitts: They are putting it into place. Farrell: Yes, they are putting it into place. I view all of this – Common Core, the vaccine issue, GMOs, and all of this – as coming out of that determination by cer- tain powerful individuals in the deep state to implement this sort-of full spectrum dominance. They want – quite literally –