64 ing something coming down the pike.” I use road maps. Fitts: I do as well, I use paper road maps. Farrell: I use atlases. I teased a friend who came to visit once using Google Maps, driving from a certain place in the country to here where I live, and they ended some- place 450 miles away. I was expecting him at midnight. He called and said, “I’ll be there by six.” I said, “Where the heck are you? It doesn’t take that long to drive from where you live to where I live.” “Well, I’m in Kansas City.” I said, “Did you take a wrong turn at Albuquerque?” which is not even on the way. It’s all of this reliance on digital, vir- tual technology and it’s the markets thing. We’re living in this virtual reality that has no connection whatsoever with reality. I think that what is happening with the Navy ships – and I’ll be very blunt – is, first of all, messages were served by some- body to the US military. That is the real crucial question that we will get back to. All of your sophisticated, multi-billion dollar equipment can be taken down that easily. The really disturbing thing about all of these instances, going back to the Donald Cook incident, the Fitzgerald incident off Yokohama, Japan, the John McCain incident off Singapore, and then the Cuban embassy where we’re hearing about all these people getting sick from these so-called ‘sonic weapons’ and the US is threatening to shut down the embassy, and Cuba is saying, “We’re not doing this.” I actually believe the Cubans here and I don’t think that they have any good reason to be doing this. Why would they do it? I don’t think that they ultimately know. Fitts: I do think that there are people who would like to bust up the reestablishment of relationships between Cuba and Amer- ica, and this is the perfect way to do it. Then you try to tag it on the Cubans. Farrell: Or tag it, ultimately, on the Russians, who I do think have technol- ogies like this. They have demonstrated that with the Donald Cook incident. However, here is the problem: In the case of the USS Fitzgerald incident – and what disturbs me about these stories is that no one is talking about the crews of the ships that ran the war ships. Were they asleep at the wheel? Fitts: Were they mind controlled? Farrell: That is what I was getting at. Number one, a crewman on the Fitzger- ald, according to one of the articles that I saw, used the words, “We were mystified. There was mystification.” That indicates that there was something interfering with their decision- making processes. So it may have been something like that, but the other disturbing thing is that it appears – at least the way that the reports reported these incidents, begin- ning with the Donald Cook – that certain specific electrical systems in the ship went down while others were left functioning. This cannot be a standard electromagnetic pulse weapon. If that were the case, all of the electric systems, including possibly the human electrical system, would have gone down. These were specifically targeted. Then we began to see stories, “Was this cyber-hacking? Was this faulty Chinese computer chips that had back doors in them?” I don’t think that was the case either. If it were, China would not have revealed this over something so paltry as these little incidents; they would have held that as a reserve card if they ever got into a conflict with us. Somebody has a technology, from what I can tell, that is able to read the very tiny, very sensitive radio signals that any electrical system, including an organism, gives off, and it can fire a pulse exactly out of phase with that specific system. That is very sophisticated. Fitts: How can they do that with your smart meter? Farrell: This is the problem. That indi- cates that they’ve brought this technology to the pitch of development that boggles the mind. I’m speculating, and I freely admit that, just based on what we’ve seen in the stories. The bottom line from all of this is that we’ve seen three American war ships – very sophisticated and very expensive ships – be targeted. The Navy has informed us that they have to make the repairs on these ships in the United States because they’re so sensitive. Imagine having deployed a military weapons system that you can only repair in this country. That is operationally insane. It’s as if the British would have built the battleship King George V, and the systems were so sensitive that if it ever needed repairs, “We can’t do it anywhere else. We’re going to haul it back to Great Britain.” This is madness. There is something wrong here, and I think that these things served a message. The geopolitical con- sequence here is that they have served a message to the American military that, “Your systems can be selectively targeted, very specifically, and we can bring them down.” Fitts: Here is why this is so important: This is the death knell of the reserve currency. Farrell: It’s not only that, but there is something else that it is the death knell of, and I hope that people picked up on what I just said. There has been much talk about using quantum entanglement for communications, but even those systems are electrical in nature. They won’t give off a signal. This means that even those systems are not secure and they can be interdicted and turned off. This is a message, not only from someone – whoever it may be – to the American military, but this is also a message to the Chinese and anyone else who wants to have electrical systems of financial clear- ing. Let’s return to what we said in Part I with block chain and all of the anonymity. This is not a secure system simply for that reason; it can be interdicted. It can be shut down because it’s requiring, at some point, the hardware to enable the transac- VI. News Trends & Stories with Dr. Joseph Farrell