The initial fanfare of Richard Strauss’ Also sprach Zarathustra is widely known from Stanley Kubrick’s legendary movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick’s cinematic science fiction classic was unique and innovative in many aspects, one being its use of various classical music recordings instead of an original music score, as well as long scenes without any dialogue but “communication” occurring through the effects of music.
For this week’s music pick, we are recommending Strauss’ full symphonic poem, based on Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical book of the same title. We invite listeners to go beyond the familiar bars of the first two minutes—Zoroaster deciding to descend toward humanity and teach—and discover a profound composition with many equally captivating parts.
We are sharing a powerful recording by the Hessen Radio Symphony Orchestra under Andrés Orozco-Estrada.
Richard Strauss, Also sprach Zarathustra on Wikipedia
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra on Wikipedia
2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack) on Wikipedia
2001: A Space Odyssey opening scores, performed by the Vienna Philharmonic under Herbert von Karajan
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