New Date: Hear Ulrike Granögger at the Water Conference 2024


2023 Annual Wrap Up

2023 Annual Wrap Up: The Magic of Water with Ulrike Granögger

Future Science Series: Liquid Crystal Water with Prof. Gerald H. Pollack

Hero of the Week: January 1, 2024: Prof. Gerald H. Pollack

Original post (August 10, 2023):

Hear Ulrike Granögger at the Water Conference in Amsterdam on October 11

Update: Unfortunately, the Water Conference had to be postponed. We will announce as soon as we know the new date.

This year’s Water Conference is taking place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from October 11–14, 2023.

Professor Gerald Pollack (University of Washington, Seattle) has organized the world’s biggest annual Water Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water every year since 2005. Prof. Pollack is best known for his discovery of “exclusion-zone (EZ) water” or what is also called the “Fourth Phase of Water“.

Each year, Dr. Pollack brings together leading scientists from all over the world to present their latest findings on the mysteries of water. For many years, Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier was an esteemed speaker at the event.

Ulrike Granögger will be speaking on October 11, 2023 on The Wave Genome – DNA Holograms in Liquid Crystal Cellular Water. Other presenters and researchers at this year’s Water Conference include Konstantin Korotkov, Glen Rein, Veda Austin, and many others—some of whom are known Solari guests.

We highly recommend your participation either in person or through the online live streaming service that is available.

Water Conference 2023 on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water

Dates: October 11–14, 2023
Place: NH Hotel Amsterdam Schiphol, Netherlands

Registration information
Conference Program

Related Solari Reports:

Solari Future Science Series

Special Report: Future Science – The Wave Genome – Quantum Holography of DNA with Ulrike Granögger

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