2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen with Jurie Post

A Short Preview (Login to Access the Full Interview):

Web Presentation

Our 2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up web presentation is a work in progress that builds as we publish our weekly segments—Solari Report subscribers can CLICK HERE.

I just love being out at sea, being in nature. I cannot express how beautiful it is to see the sunrise in my ‘office.’”
~ Jurie Post

By Elze van Hamelen

This week, Dutch fisherman Jurie Post joins me as we continue discussing the theme for the Solari Report’s 2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up: Dutch Farmers and Fishermen: Local Heroes in the Global War on Our Food and Property Rights.

Post is part of the tight-knit fisheries community on Urk. I interviewed him earlier this year to discuss the dwindling marine areas accessible to Dutch fishermen, who are losing their time-honored fishing grounds to wind farms and dubious “nature protection” schemes. The North Sea nations, including the Netherlands, have not been shy about announcing their ambitious plans to expand the number of wind turbines on the North Sea to 30,000 by 2050 to create Europe’s so-called “Green Power Plant”—infrastructure that will support the control grid’s data centers, not consumers.

As the remarks shared by Post in my written report on the 2nd Quarter 2023 Wrap Up website indicate, a significant double standard is at play, with fishermen’s every move subjected to close scrutiny and regulation while the adverse impacts of large-scale wind power get a free pass. Post told me, “It used to be dark at night at sea, but not anymore. With all the lights of the turbines flickering, it resembles a discotheque.”

Post has sons who want to follow in his footsteps as fishermen. Understanding what is really going on is a first step in supporting both the current and next generation of fishermen.

Money & Markets:

In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and Catherine will cover the latest events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical trends Solari is tracking in 2023—and the pushback rocking and rolling us around the globe. Post questions at the Money & Markets commentary here.

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