"Food is really and truly the most effective medicine."
~ Dr. Joel Fuhrman
By Brigitte Mouchet
Between the Food Series and the Wellness Series at Solari, we have been focusing quite a bit on food lately. This should not come as a surprise. Spring is a natural time to think about health—and eating healthy—as nature flourishes around us. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) even tells us we can use food and flavors to attune to the new energies of spring and summer.
Dr. Sarica Cernohous, who practices TCM, is back on the Solari Wellness Series to bring her expert and balanced perspective on the topic of fad diets and antinutrients. No, you don’t need to be on a diet to have a healthy diet. Still, knowing why some diets can be good for you—or not so good—is useful.
We’ll review the pros and cons of ketogenic, paleo, and vegetarian diets, and we will “reset” beliefs around fats and carbs. We’ll also explain what antinutrients are and how we can avoid their harmful effects.
Finally, in answer to questions from subscribers following our first interview, Sarica will share her perspective on how to create healthy mealtimes as well as using food to help strengthen our spirit during challenging times. Please join me for another inspiring discussion with Dr. Sarica Cernohous.
For Let's Go to the Movies, I recommend The Way, a 2010 American-Spanish drama that will take you on a very personal journey on the Camino de Santiago.
is not validIn Money & Markets, Catherine and John Titus will review current financial and geopolitical news and discuss what to watch for in 2021. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary for the third week of May here.
Related Links:
Congee recipe for liver Qi stagnation, typical after the winter months
How to use food to attune to the energy of spring and summer (Paul Pitchfork)
Kitcheree recipe: Supposedly the best nourishing and soothing dish for restoring digestive health
Dr. Sarica Cernohous’ website, where you can find recipes, contact information, and her book: The Funky Kitchen: Easy Techniques from Our Ancestors for Improved Digestion, Enhanced Vitality and Joy!
Related Solari Reports:
Wellness Series: Healthy Nutrition on a Budget with Dr. Sarica Cernohous