Nothing compares to this incredibly relevant, resonant, solution-geared wisdom.
~ A Solari subscriber

You are always ahead of the game; that’s why you are the best.
~ Another Solari subscriber

Thank you for subscribing to the Solari Report and becoming part of a remarkable global network of high-integrity individuals committed to a human future.

Our mission is to provide actionable intelligence to help you live a free and inspired life. We believe that personal and family wealth are critical ingredients of individual freedom and community health and well-being.

Please review this Welcome Page, which introduces the features of your subscription and offers tips on how to navigate the Solari Report website and fully access the abundance of materials available to you as a subscriber. We hope you enjoy your subscription, and we look forward to growing with you in leading a “Free and Inspired Life.”


Resources for Navigating the Site

Overview of Solari Content

Interacting with Solari and the Wider Solari Network

Additional Resources

Resources for Navigating the Site

First Up, Login!

Logging in to the Solari Report website is easy:

  • Go to the Solari Report home page.
  • Click on “Login” at the top-right.
  • Your Username is the email address used when you purchased your subscription.
  • Your Password is the one you created when you purchased your subscription.
  • Forgot your password? Go to the top-right of the home page (to the left of the SUBSCRIBE and DONATE buttons) and click Reset Password.
  • Note: Please use the Firefox or Safari browsers to log in and access subscriber content.

Screenshot of Login:

Don’t Forget the Menu

The Menu at the top of the home page allows you to easily navigate to the content you are interested in. “Top Sections” (left column) includes the Solari Report’s three most popular offerings—Money & Markets, our weekly interviews with guests, and Ask Catherine & the Solari Team—as well as other favorites such as the quarterly Wrap Ups and the Building Wealth curriculum (see Overview of Solari Content below for more details). The Menu can also guide you to our weekly coverage of heroes, pushback, movies, and music; to Solari series on different topics; to our bookstore; and to other website and community resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page can be found in the menu at the top of the home page (under ABOUT).

Weekly Updates

Every week, we email a Solari Update to subscribers and other members of the public interested in Solari Report content. The Updates provide a convenient overview of upcoming and recent reports and other timely website content, as well as listing events and announcements. Sign up to receive the Updates here (or view archived updates here).

You may unsubscribe from the Update list at any time by clicking on “Manage Your Subscription” at the top of one of the Updates received.

Overview of Solari Content

Weekly Solari Reports

Our weekly Solari Reports are interviews conducted by Catherine (or other Solari hosts) with guests chosen for their expertise in a wide variety of areas: finance, building wealth, geopolitics, food, health, future science, spiritual science, personal development, and more. Interviews are available to subscribers in downloadable MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) formats (or listen or watch on your computer without downloading). Interview transcripts in PDF format follow within a few weeks.

To view completed interviews, select Weekly Solari Reports from the menu at the top of the home page (under TOP SECTIONS).

To see a list of Upcoming & Latest Solari Reports, click the image (shown below) at the middle-right of the home page.

Money & Markets Reports

In Solari’s weekly Money & Markets reports, Catherine and co-host John Titus discuss the latest financial and geopolitical trends as well as noteworthy pushback around the world.

Like the weekly Solari Reports, the Money & Markets discussions are available to subscribers in downloadable MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) formats (or you can listen or watch on your computer without downloading). Look for Money & Markets Reports at the top-left of the Solari home page.

Note: Money & Markets is published weekly on Thursday evenings, with the exception of the last week of the month and the last two weeks of December.

News Trends & Stories

Our News Trends & Stories tables are an unparalleled resource that can help you stay on top of key trends and events. Organized by calendar year, you can view all headline categories together, view one category at a time, or sort headlines by variables such as date, title, or source. Select News Trends & Stories from the menu at the top of the Solari home page, or go to the lower-left side of the home page to access All News Trends & Stories for the current calendar year or to access individual categories (just click on the associated image). Scroll down and take a look!

Quarterly & Annual Wrap Ups

The Solari Report’s quarterly and annual Wrap Ups provide in-depth analysis of important primary trends (themes) that impact our ability to live a free and inspired life. Each Wrap Up includes five weeks of interviews (available to subscribers in downloadable MP3 and MP4 audio and video formats, with the option to listen on your computer without downloading), as well as a dedicated web presentation that evolves as content is published.

  • In the first two interviews, Catherine and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell select and review the top 20 stories for the quarter (or year) and discuss “unanswered questions,” mapping out areas to which we should be paying close attention.
  • The next interview with Catherine and Ricardo Oskam focuses on actions you can take, using Solari’s Building Wealth framework as a guide.
  • Next, Catherine and financial planner Tim Caban offer the quarterly Equity Overview. The Equity Overviews address many frequently asked questions about money and provide Catherine’s assessment of financial markets, including technical analysis from Rambus Chartology.
  • The final interview offers a deep dive into the theme for that quarter.

Following completion of the five interviews, we publish (on a delayed basis) a report on the theme, written by various guest authors or by Catherine, with an introduction by Catherine. These deeply researched reports offer valuable insights on primary trends that remain relevant over time. The beautifully designed PDF and hard-copy reports are available only to subscribers. Digital + Print subscribers automatically receive hard copies with their subscription; Digital-Only subscribers can purchase hard copies at the Solari Bookstore.

A complete list of Wrap Ups is located at Solari Report Wrap Ups (near the top-right of the home page). There, after you login, you can select the Web Presentations, PDFs, or view a table listing the interviews conducted for each Wrap Up. You can also click on Quarterly and Annual Solari Reports at the middle-left of the home page.

Building Wealth Curriculum

Solari’s Building Wealth website assembles the best of the Solari Report’s offerings in a curriculum designed to help you master and integrate six sets of skills to inspire and support your strategic and financial planning. The Building Wealth materials are an excellent way to grasp the vision that makes the Solari Report so unique—of a monetary and market system that serves the rule of law and a free human civilization. As Catherine says, “You can build wealth. You can build poverty. Or you can build nothing. Which do you prefer?”

Special Solari Reports

Special Solari Reports address public policy issues ranging from global events to health. Interviews with public officials and individuals who have an important public policy message are available to the wider public. You can find Special Solari Reports toward the bottom-right of our home page.

Other Weekly Features

Every week, the Solari website features a Movie of the Week (a film, documentary, or video that can help you understand the “deeper news”), and, for inspiration, a weekly Music selection and commentaries celebrating Pushback and Heroes, as well as a Toon of the Week by Solari’s talented cartoonist. Occasional Blasts from the Past bring back previous Solari Reports that have renewed relevance. These are very special and thoughtful offerings.

In addition to weekly movie recommendations, we typically provide a collection of movies and documentaries for each theme in our quarterly and annual Wrap Ups. Movies and documentaries can help you master important primary trends, especially when you use them to supplement our interviews and analyses. You can find our list of quarterly and annual movie collections, organized by topic, here.

Solari Library

The Solari Report Library includes past Solari Reports, Wrap Ups, and articles written by Catherine between 2006 and 2017. Many topics are as relevant today as when first published. Access the Library from the menu at the top of the home page (under ABOUT).

Coming Clean & Core Concepts

One of our most popular articles, Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World, walks you through the steps each of us can each take to transform our individual circumstances in a way that helps those around us do the same. We consider Coming Clean to be one of our core concepts. We encourage new subscribers, in particular, also to visit our Solari Core Concepts page, which—like the Building Wealth curriculum—assembles a wealth of Solari materials all in one place.

Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits

Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits is a free online book by Catherine, documenting her experience as Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner and President of the Hamilton Securities group. The book describes Catherine’s efforts to stop the devastation of local communities by mortgage securities fraud and corrupt federal finances and discusses the impact of the secrecy that has plagued our society. You can access Dillon Read from the menu at the top of the home page (under BLOGS & BOOKS).

Interacting with Solari and the Wider Solari Network

Ask Catherine & the Solari Team

Every week, Ask Catherine & the Solari Team answers questions submitted by subscribers. The show is published weekly on Fridays, with the exception of the last two weeks of August and the last two weeks of December. On the first and third weeks of the month, Catherine and Solari general counsel Carolyn Betts answer questions on a variety of general topics. On the second Friday of the month, Carolyn and Health Series host Jennifer Walters answer health-related questions on Health Corner. On the last Friday of the month, Carolyn and a member of Solari’s IT team offer Tech Corner, focusing on questions about technology. All episodes also include discussion of selected links recommended by subscribers. An audio of questions, answers, and links is posted at Ask Catherine & the Solari Team, along with a PDF version of the script. We welcome your questions and recommended links.

You can select Ask Catherine from the homepage Menu, under TOP SECTIONS. Please review the instructions on how to submit a question here; you may submit your questions (or recommend links) using the Ask Catherine Form here. (Note: Only subscribers can submit questions to Ask Catherine & the Solari Team, and you must be logged in.)

You can also use our dedicated Ask Catherine search tool to see if others have asked the same (or similar) questions or provided similar links in the past. If you find a question in a prior PDF, you will need to listen to the corresponding audio for the answers. Audios recorded since mid-September 2023 include timestamps by category; audios prior to that date do not have timestamps.

Subscriber Input

Subscribers can share articles or comments with other subscribers at Subscriber Input (access it from the menu at the top of the home page under SITE RESOURCES). You must be logged in to see other subscribers’ input.

Subscriber Comments

Subscribers may comment at the bottom of any Solari post. Whether the post is public or subscriber-only, your comments will NOT be visible to the public. You must be logged in to enter a comment or to see comments from other subscribers.

Connect with “Like-Minded People”

Visit Solari Connect and Solari Circles (access it from the menu at the top of the home page, select Solari Circles/Connect under SITE RESOURCES) if you would like to use our Solari Connect software to network with other subscribers. To become a member, your name, email address, and location must match your Solari Report subscription information.

Solari Daily Prayer

Every weekday, we invite you to join us in a Devotional Prayer with a daily Scripture at 8:30 AM, North American Central Time Zone (CT). View the information on how to access the daily prayer here.

Additional Resources

Solari Report iPhone App

You can download our iPhone app from the Apple App Store (search for Solari Report). Once the app is installed, subscriber login is required. The app is compatible with iOS revision 14.0 or higher. The app provides quick access to What’s New, the latest Solari Report interviews, and the Money & Markets reports. (NOTE: Swipe left-to-right to go back to the previous screen.)

Solari Silver Coin

Some Solari Report subscribers have expressed interest in purchasing Solari Silver Coins. Solari does not sell the coins, but we have given the mint company permission to use the Solari die for orders placed directly with them by our subscribers. If you wish to place an order with the mint, please fill out the form, and we will approve your use of the Solari die and arrange for the mint to call you. Note that the mint requires a minimum order of 50 coins.

Need Solari Support?

If you need help navigating the website, changing your email address, upgrading your subscription, or other support, please create a support request. Customer Service will help you find solutions quickly.