By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week for Movie of the Week, we thought we would remind you of the wealth of movie and documentary recommendations available at the Solari Report.
Every year in the Annual Wrap Up, we publish a list of all of the weekly movie and documentary selections since we launched our subscription service in 2008. Many subscribers find this list an excellent resource for accessing great selections.
Here is the most recent list in the 2023 Annual Wrap Up: Let’s Go to the Movies. A Complete List. (Subscriber content only)
In addition to the recommendations we make every week for our Movie of the Week (formerly called Let’s Go to the Movies), we often provide a collection of movies and documentaries for each theme in our quarterly and annual Wrap Ups. The goal of the quarterly theme is to help you understand the important primary trends. As you come to understand the long-lived trends that are underway, you grow more powerful in understanding and following current events. Movies and documentaries can help you master these trends, especially when you use them to supplement our interviews and analyses.
Here are our quarterly and annual collections, organized by topic.

Money and Financial Policy
These movies shed light on fiscal and monetary policy, Wall Street, insider trading, family wealth, as well as politics from the point of view of the (missing) money. Where does the missing money go? Who controls monetary policy?
The Real Game of Missing Money (2018 Annual Wrap Up) – Movies and Documentaries
The State of Our Currencies (2nd Quarter 2019 Wrap Up) – Movies and Documentaries
Taxation – With or Without Representation? (3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up) – The Real Deal Movie List
Building Wealth (3rd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up) – It All Stays in the Family – A Movie List
Will the ESG Turn the Red Button Green? (1st Quarter 2019 Wrap Up) – Movies and Documentaries

Health, Food, Land, Lifestyle, and Culture
These movies and documentaries dramatize the battle for sovereignty over food, land, and personal wealth and health.
The Global Harvest and What It Means to Investors (2016 Annual Wrap Up) – Food Documentaries
The Real Deal on Going Local (1st Quarter 2020 Wrap Up) – Movies and Documentaries
Visions of Freedom (3rd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up) – A Dash to Freedom – Movies
Water (2023 Annual Wrap Up) – Movies & Documentaries: All about Water

These films and documentaries focus on human-machine interactions, artificial intelligence, space technology, and the impact of technology on building wealth.
The Future of Financial Freedom (1st Quarter 2023 Wrap Up) – Movies: Positive Technology
Who’s Who & What’s Up in the Space-Based Economy (1st Quarter 2018 Wrap Up) – Space in the Movies

Mr. Global and the Control Grid
These are great films to better understand the invisible hand of Mr. Global, money, and crime—and the building of the control grid. What are the tactics of control, and what is the final goal?
Deep State Tactics 101 (2019 Annual Wrap Up) – Deep State Tactics 101 – Movies and Documentaries
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