The Best of the Solari Report 2022—Solari Series

And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.’ So God made a Farmer.
~ Paul Harvey (speech at 1978 Future Farmers of America convention)

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This week we publish our selection of the four best Solari Series interviews for 2022. This year, we added two new series—the popular Solution Series, hosted by Corey Lynn and James White, and the Health Series, hosted by Jennifer Walters (replacing the Wellness Series)—to our other rich offerings: Future Science (Ulrike Granögger), Food (Pete Kennedy), Via Europa (Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer), Metanoia (Junious Ricardo Stanton), and Food for the Soul (Nina Heyn).

Our first pick, from the Future Science Series, is Ulrike’s fascinating two-part interview with Dr. Beverly Rubik discussing 5G and other forms of wireless radiation as possible environmental factors involved in Covid-19 disease. Dr. Rubik, founder of the Institute for Frontier Science and a true “outside the box” scientific thinker, achieved the remarkable feat of getting a peer-reviewed paper published on this topic in September 2021.

Our second selection, one of the first Solution Series interviews we published and one in which I was the guest, takes as its starting point the fact that we are in a war between tyranny and liberty—a war “for all the marbles” that seeks to steal or control all our assets, including our children. This discussion emphasized that wartime requires different financial strategies—with a fundamental starting point being that if we hope to win, we cannot continue to finance our enemy.

Our third pick, a Special Report by Food Series host Pete Kennedy with the popular Tennessee state senator Frank Niceley, illustrates why it is more important to build relationships with state and local legislators than to squander your precious attention on the corrupt federal political landscape. This interview reviews some of 2021 legislative accomplishments sponsored or supported by the ever-effective Senator Niceley related to food and other critical freedoms.

Finally, we highlight the Health Series’ inaugural interview, in which Dr. Christopher Exley—the world’s foremost expert on aluminum—shared his knowledge about aluminum’s adverse impacts on human health and ways to protect yourself. Dr. Exley’s high-integrity research on Alzheimer’s and other topics has been a thorn in the aluminum industry’s side for years, but he lost his decades-long university position in the UK only after he began publishing important papers highlighting the dangers of the injectable aluminum in vaccines.

Together, the four interviews underscore the importance of managing your wartime risks and provide helpful suggestions about how to do so.

Related Reading:

The Best of the Solari Report 2022 — The Weekly Interviews

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