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“This case is the birth of law as applied to our digital future. Watch it as a spectator at your peril.”
~ Scott H. Greenfield, criminal defense attorney
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Lyn Ulbricht of FreeRoss.org joins me on the Solari Report to discuss the Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed in December by her son Ross Ulbricht and his legal team to the Supreme Court, asking the Court to review and reconsider the lower courts’ decisions, based on constitutional violations in his investigation and sentencing (see Scotus Blog here). On February 5, 2018, 21 organizations filed five amicus briefs in support of the Supreme Court petition.
I hope and pray that a just decision will finally see Ross Ulbricht walk free, putting an end to a saga that began in 2013 and constitutes one of the worst examples of prosecutorial abuse I have seen yet.
As a target of the Department of Justice, I watched federal attorneys and law enforcement officers lie and falsify documentation. I had a team of government investigators and attorneys in my company offices unsupervised, only to discover that one or more had taken the liberty of falsifying corporate records (luckily we had a witness on that one) and urinating and defecating in our offices. (Yes, we got to clean it up—Here’s my interview with the CEO of the cleaning company who was there and lived to tell the tale.)
I say this to give you a sense of the extraordinary debasement of federal enforcement.
No need, however, to depend on my story. Learn what happened to distinguished civil servants Bill Binney and Tom Drake and Congressional staff Diane Roark. Learn why the judge in the Bundy Ranch case had no choice except to dismiss the case with prejudice, the government’s lawlessness was so egregious. Or listen to Howard Root after he soundly defeated DOJ in court after a five-year ordeal explain why he sold his company because running a company in a lawless environment is too risky. Now we are hearing indications that federal enforcement may have used campaign-financed dossiers to try to rig a presidential campaign and destroy a presidency.
The worst case I have heard yet is what is happening to Ross Ulbricht. My first clue was listening to a TED talk by a retired DOJ prosecutor. This speech was particularly frightening as the attorney, bragging about her involvement in the Silk Road case, was not even ashamed as she described members of a federal task force falsifying evidence, staging a homicide, and stealing millions of assets for personal gain. If you have 22 minutes to waste watching a former federal prosecutor demonstrate the cluelessness of a lawless culture, I have posted the video below.
I then had the opportunity to hear Lyn speak and watch the Deep Web documentary. Having dealt with the same federal playbook, there is no doubt in my mind that Ross Ulbricht is entirely truthful in his description of the case.
In this interview, Lyn discusses the case and why it is so important to you and me. Solari has contributed to Ross’ legal defense fund. In fact, I believe this Supreme Court petition is so important that the defense fund was one of our two Christmas donations for 2017.
I would encourage you to listen to Lyn’s interview and donate at FreeRoss.org. No amount is too small. Every donation expresses critical support.
This interview is open to the public, so please pass the link on and encourage others to do the same.
I am holding out a picture of Ross Ulbricht as a free man. Please help us make it so!
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