Science & Technology – Week of 09.17.17

Chinese robot dentist is first to fit implants in patient’s mouth without any human involvement
South China Morning Post | 22 September 2017
Robo Dentist…

More than 80 percent of children have an online presence by the age of two
Nexus | 20 September 2017
The Chip Gets Inserted Early…

Why Is Google Hiring 1,000 Journalists To Flood Newsrooms Around America?
Zero Hedge | 18 September 2017
Lab will be working with Report For…

Catherine’s Latest Message to her Senators and Congressman
Don’t Let Congress Censor the Internet
EFF | September 2017
Digital letter is provided…

SEC Hack Possibly Used for Insider Trading Rattles Wall Street
Fortune | 21 September 2017
Five “critical”…

Florida Residents Warned They’ll Be Ticketed For Hurricane-Damaged Homes
Zero Hedge | 22 September 2017
Celso Perez told local WSVN-TV…

Cruz, Cornyn Lead Bipartisan Letter Urging HUD to Speed Up Allocation of Harvey Relief Funds
Katy News | 22 September 2017
Maximum flexibility when funds are…

Pet Parrot Uses Voice-controlled Gadget to Place Order with Amazon
News AU | 21 September 2017
Confirm a purchase by…

HUD Secretary Ben Carson: Recovery from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma is ‘Going to Take Years’
News Press | 20 September 2017
700,000 individuals have…

Recent Solari Donation
Renew Your Support For Freedom Online: Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF | 20 September 2017
Stand for Digital Rights…

$700 Billion Unpaid Mortgage Balances In Hurricane Harvey And Irma Disaster Areas
Zero Hedge | 18 September 2017
Significantly larger than… Harvey…

Hurricane Maria Lashes Puerto Rico, Storm-Battered Caribbean
NBC News | 20 September 2017
Strongest storm to hit…

Hurricane Maria: Dominica Aerial Pictures Show ‘Total Destruction’
NBC News | 20 September 2017
The situation is really…

More Equifax Lies? Company Originally Hacked Five Months Earlier Than It Disclosed
zero Hedge | 18 September 2017
Reportedly not related to…

Trump Approves Puerto Rico Emergency Declaration As Maria Strengthens Into “Potentially Catastrophic” Cat-5 Hurricane
zero Hedge | 18 September 2017
After Hurricane Irma… thousands of Puerto Ricans without…

Massive Arctic Ice Gain Over The Past Five Years
Real Climate Science | 18 September 2017
Satellite imagery…

Northrop Grumman is Buying Missile and Rocket Maker Orbital for $7.8 Billion
Business Insider | 18 September 2017
Antares rocket…

Outside of Houston: Aerial Mosquito Spray Operation Scheduled in Wake of Flooding
Ready Harris | 13 September 2017
Dibrom (EPA-approved…

USAF Has Dispatched Its Air Sprayer C-130s To Texas In Response To Hurricane Harvey
The Drive | 08 September 2017
Size of droplet on mosquito wing…

The Nuclear Tech Breakthrough That Could Make Oil Obsolete
Bloomberg | 11 August 2017
Break Through Centralized Technology…

World Primary Energy Overview June 2017
BP | June 2017
Growth in consumption with a mix of fuels that becomes…

Renewables 2017 Global Status Report Highlights
Ren21 | 2017

Corporate Governance and Blockchains
Oxford Academic | 10 January 2017
Lead to far-reaching changes in corporate…